Author has written 1 story for Hetalia - Axis Powers. Well, there's two of us, if you couldn't guess from the name. A couple of dorky (we like to think it's a cute sort of dorky) history geeks who had too much time on their hands and too many seemingly fun ideas--that is, until they decided to start actually writing these ideas out. Now they're a couple of dorky history geeks who still have too many seemingly fun ideas, but not nearly enough time to breathe life into all of them. Writing out World War II has that effect on people. Individually, we are Conswake (Warsaw) and Millennium Knight (Vilnius). Check us out separately, too, if you like what you see here! Currently, we're working on "In Our Solemn Hour," a really large Hetalia fanfiction going through World War II from the point of view of the personifications of the countries themselves. It updated every Sunday until college made that difficult. Now we try for at least one update a month, so please check it out! |