![]() Author has written 30 stories for Chronicles of Narnia, Warehouse 13, A Gifted Man, Haven, Eureka, Merlin, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Grimm, Stargate: SG-1, Peter Pan, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Cyrano de Bergerac, Arrow, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Intelligence, Harry Potter, Neverland, Supernatural, Firefly, Hook, Sherlock, and Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. I am a fervent writer with a vivid imagination. I have been writing constantly for the last decade. I first "cut my teeth" on fanfiction. Most fanfiction I write are episodes of my favorite shows. I live in the western United States and I love hiking in the mountains, long walks on the beach, and curling up with a good mystery or fantasy/sci-fi adventure. Some favorite authors are: CS Lewis, Shakespeare, Isaac Asimov, Agatha Christie, Sir A. C. Doyle, Terri Blackstock, Dee Henderson, David Baldacci, Francine Rivers, Ray Bradbury, Cornelia Funke, Eoin Colfer, and of course J. R. R. Tolkien. CURRENT WORKS-IN-PROGRESS: Sound of an Echo (Percy Jackson) Chapters Remaining: 8 (or more) This Could Be Paradise (Supernatural) Chapters Remaining: 6 (or more) Betty and the Beast (Supernatural) FUTURE FANFICS: *Note: These are ideas I have waiting in the wings, which I will only commence as I finish fanfics from the list above. If there's one in this "Future" list that you would like to see, please do me a favor and comment on one of the above fanfictions, to encourage me to finish it sooner! Thanks a bunch! I can't wait to tackle these, either! A Midsummer's Nightmare (Supernatural): Charlie has returned from Oz--but she didn't come back alone. It seems that the feisty redhead attracted the attention of a certain fairy Prince of Pranksters, and when she left, he followed her back to her world, hoping to be able to impress her and win her affections. Trouble is, he lost track of her very quickly--and the girl who answers his query for "any female with connections to the Winchesters" is not Charlie, but someone named Becky. It's a mess of love potions, magic pranks, and confused identities--Can the Winchesters help Puck straighten out his mistakes, or will he have to settle for the erstwhile Mrs. Winchester? An Embarrassment of Witches (Supernatural): (*Note: Subject to change as future episodes warrant) Rowena has set up shop in Hell--and has started a "coven" of demon-witch hybrids that are more powerful and resilient than either would be separately. To combat the Winchesters (and win the affections of her son), she embarks on a recruiting mission, bestowing demon-like powers on any witches who care to join her. On her "tour" she happens to meet the only two witches to ever survive an encounter with the Winchesters: warlocks Don and Maggie Stark. Mr. And Mrs. Frost (Once Upon A Time): (Set AU early Season 2, around Episode 9) It's Christmastime in Storybrooke, and everybody would welcome the distraction from the most recent of a long history of terrors that plague the town--most of all Emma, who had just spent far too long in an alternate enchanted realm that gave her more than enough trouble. But she and Mary Margaret aren't the only ones being welcomed into Storybrooke: Neal, her ex-husband and Henry's father, has shown up in Storybrooke, wanting to reconcile--but the fact that he's also Rumplestiltskin's son doesn't help things either. In the meantime, she has a string of weaponless murders to solve and a new couple to figure out: Jake and Elise Foster, the cool young couple whose love may or may not be an act, and who are both definitely carrying secrets, maybe even from each other. Can Emma catch a break, or will the killer get the best of her, with all these distractions running around? |