Author has written 1 story for Merlin. Hello there, everyone. Tumblr: So I only have one fanfiction up, and it's my first ever fanfiction, and I've decided it's finally time to post something here about myself. I belong to a lot of fandoms. Just to list some of them off the top of my head: Merlin Doctor Who Star Trek Avatar: ATLA and LoK Lord of the Rings/Tolkien Harry Potter (but really, who isn't in the Harry Potter fandom??) Marvel Comics/movies The Chronicles of Narnia Star Wars (not as much as Star Trek though) idk if he has a real fandom but Shakespeare is amazing And those are what I can think of at the moment. Random cool quotes/poems: "I sit beside the fire and think Of yellow leaves and gossamer I sit beside the fire and think For still there are so many things I sit beside the fire and think But all the while I sit and think "We all matter." --Merlin (BBC) [there are a lot more that i want to include but my brain is a bit dead right now so I'll update this eventually] |