![]() Author has written 15 stories for Naruto, Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho. NOTE: I put two new stories up! I know I really shouldn't be starting any new ones with all the ones I have to continue, but these aren't exactly new ones. They're ones I've worked on for a long time and I hope ya'll like 'em. I will update again soon! I am very sory for my long absence, everyone! I meant to go on a small hiatus, but time continued to roll by...and a year had passed before I had realized it. I'm very sorry for leaving ya'll hanging on my stories. I don't have the next chapters ready- again, I apologize- but I do plan to finish them. They're my babies...I have to see them through. I hope that ya'll can take comfort in that and enjoy what I have managed to write in the passing months... Hello all! I'm Reflection of a Broken Dream. You can call me Dream for short, if you want. (I wish I had picked a shorter name or one with a better nickname...but all the ones I tried before it were taken...;.; ) I love writing fanfics and reading them, though I can't get on the internet and post them/read them as often as I would like. (I can get on about once a month, unless I am miraculously given the chance to get on sooner.) I kind of lean towards Shino x Hinata from Naruto, Kagome x Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha, and Kagome x Kurama/Youko from Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho when I write my fics. (I like keeping with the canon storylines when I can and the character's personalities to make it a little more realistic, in a sense. Inuyasha, Naruto, and Yu Yu Hakusho are the ones I used to watch a lot, so I know more about them and the characters than most of the other anime I've watched.) I have been experimenting with other pairings, though...such as Hinata x Naruto, Hinata x Neji, Hinata x Kakashi, Hinata x Sasuke, Hinata x Gaara, Naruto x Gaara, Naruto x Sasuke, Inuyasha x Sesshoumaru, Kagome x Hiei, and Hiei x Kurama/Youko. (Just to name a few.) I'm also writing on different series, like Fruits Basket (Kyo x Tohru, Kyo x Yuki), Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles (Sakura x Shaoran, Fai x Kurogane), Vampire Knight (Yuuki x Kaname, Yuuki x Zero), Cardcaptor Sakura (Shaoran x Sakura, Toya x Yuki), and Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (Neuro x Yako). I would like to do others, but I need more materials for research first...and I need to see the rest of series mentioned above, too...;,; -A Little Bit About Me- I am twenty two, living with my parents, divorced (ex-hubby is running to keep from paying child support), and I have a two-year old. (I'm not giving you my real name, though!) I can't seem to get a job because of the stupid economy...but I plan on getting one soon. (I don't think it will interfere with my getting a chapter of 'Arranged Marriage' out a month, but just in case I do hit a delay, that's what's holding it up.) I took an at-home course in medical billing and coding (hate it) a while back and I graduated from the program with a certificate. I'm going to study up again to refresh my memory and see if I can get a job in that field... What I would really like to do is go to college for art and get on with Tokyo Pop while also somehow living in the same area I am now. (Very far from California.) Stupid unattainable dream, I know. (Dream big and aim for the stars- that is what I've done since I was little.) But...I would be glad just to go to college (that option's looking bleak) and get a job helping to make ads or commercials or something like that- something to pass the time and hone my skills (I'm a self-taught artist starving for instruction in that area) until I can make it into the anime/manga career I so desire. I wouldn't mind writing scripts for anime or manga, either...that might be fun... (I also enjoy writing, in case that's not obvious. lol. XD) I apologize for not getting on the internet any more than I do; my reasoning for that is that I don't have it at home, I don't have the money to get it, and I can't drive, so I don't get to the library very often. Actually, most times, I post my updates using (really bad) fast food place internet you get to use when you eat there. I'm not complaining, though. Bad internet is better than no internet. If I could make a short poem to sum up my past, it would be... I am the girl with Broken Dreams, - Reflection of a Broken Dream That was me in High School...and sometimes now... My family supports me, and some people online...but I don't have that many friends that I can turn to otherwise. (I'm actually kinda shy in real life...I find it easier to talk how I want to and express myself on the internet. I guess I'm more of a writer than a talker. -Shrugs- ) My Favorite Anime/Manga So Far: (In Alphabetical Order, Those That Begin With Symbols Last) Absolute Boyfriend, Afro Samurai, Akira, Angel Dust, Angelic Layer, Animatrix, Aquarion, Aquarion Age, Bakugon, Bamboo Blade, Beauty Pop, Best Student Council, Beyblade, Big O, Black Bird, Black Cat, Bleach, Blue Seed, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Card Captor Sakura, Case Closed, Castle in the Sky, Castlevania, Chibi Vampire, Chobits, Chrono Crusade, Clamp School Detectives, Clover, Code Geass, Comic Party, Cosplay Complex, Cowboy Bebop, Coyote Ragtime Show, Crescent Love, Cyborg 009, Dawn of the Arcana, Death Note, Descendants of Darkness, Diabolo, Digimon, Disgaea, DN Angel, Dragon Ball/Z/GT, Dragon Drive, Dragon Voice, Duel Masters, Durarara, Escaflowne, E's Otherwise, Excel Saga, Fighting Foodons, Final Fantasy: Unlimited, Fist of the Blue Sky, Fist of the North Star, Flame of Recca, Fooly Cooly, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Fushigi Yuugi, Ghost in the Shell, Godchild, Gravitation, Great Teacher Onizuka, Gundam, Gungrave, H2O - Footprints in the Sand, Happy Lesson, Hare and Guu, Hellsing, Hikaru no Go, Howl's Moving Castle, Inuyasha, Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventures, Kaleido Star, Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne, Kekkaishi, Key: The Metal Idol, Kikaider 01, KiKi's Delivery Service, Kingdom Hearts, Kino's Journey, Lady Death, Legend of Chun Hyang, Love Hina, Loveless, Lupin the 3rd, Magic Knight Rayearth, Magikano, Majin Tantei Nogami Neuro, Mamotte! Lollipop, MAR, Mars, Megaman, Memories, Mermaid Forest, Metropolis, Millenium Actress, Moon Phase, Monster Rancher, Moribito, My Bride is a Mermaid, My Neighbor Totoro, Nana, Naruto, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Nightwalker, Ninja Nonsense, Ninja Scroll, Oh! My Goddess, One Piece, Orphen, Ouran High School Host Club, Outlaw Star, Paradise Kiss, Paranoia Agent, Peacemaker Kurogane, Petite Princess Yucie, Please Teacher!, Please Twins!, Pokemon, Ponyo, Pretear, Princess Ai, Princess Mononoke, Princess Tutu, Pumpkin Scissors, Punch!, Ranma 1/2, Rave Master, Read or Die!, Rebirth, Record of Lodoss War, Reign the Conqueror, Romeo x Juliet, Rosario Vampire, Ruroni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Saiyuki, Sakura Wars, Samurai Champloo, Samurai Deeper Kyo, Samurai Jack, School Rumble, Shamanic Princess, Shaman King, Shirahime-Syo, Shrine of the Morning Mist, Slayers, Sonic, Soul Eater, Spice and Wolf, Spirited Away, Suikoden, Swan, Teen Titans, Tenchi Muyo!, Tenjo Tenge, Tenshi Ja Nai!, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, The Seikai Trilogy, Tokyo Mew Mew, Trigun, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles, Utawarerumono, Vampire Hunter D, Vampire Kisses, Vampire Knight, Vampire Princess Miyu, Wallflower, Wandering Son, Wedding Peach, Wild Arms, Witch Hunter Robin, Wolf's Rain, Wrath of the Ninja, X/1999, Xenosaga, XXX Holic, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Zatch Bell, Zelda, Zodiac P.I., .Hack//Sign. My favorite pairings vary. I have seen parts of some series and all of others. (For example, I have seen and I own all of Vampire Knight and Vampire Knight: Guilty on DVD, and I've only seen the first three episodes of Vampire Princess Miyu.) I may randomly pop out with a fanfic of one of the series listed above. To conclude my little section about me and my favorite anime/manga and what I write about, I think I'll compose a list of Japanese words that I like to use and their meanings, in case I use them in a fic without realizing it or posting the meaning up at the top. (And I'll add in some names that I know the English translations for.) (They are in alphabetical order.) - Reflection of a Dream's Word Translations - Ai - Love (I didn't do all of the translations by myself, so if you see an error in the translations, just contact me and I'll change it ASAP.) Disclaimer: I do not own any of the series listed above, the characters, or Tokyo Pop. |