Author has written 2 stories for Mass Effect. Hello, Thank you for all the wonderful comments on Fallen Star and Paper Flowers. I am indeed plotting a sequel to Fallen Star. I'm in the process of thrashing out where headcanon fits, a job made much easier by having the Save Thane mod installed. Apologies for delays, I have just been diagnosed with Lupus and we're moving house again. I am writing again though. I have an account on AO3, and update regularly with drabbles. I keep all my smut there. I would add more here, but it turns out that I write explicit fic and FF can't handle it. (Anything posted here will be edited with that in mind) All comments are read and very much appreciated, but I prefer AO3 for replying, so feel free to message me over there. Also, if you're into tumblr you can find me on there as quietonewisp. |