Author has written 14 stories for Starship, Sherlock, Torchwood, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Avengers. Hello! I am 14 and I love to write, otherwise I wouldn't be on here. Actually I first got this account to follow stories but I ended up writing a bunch so... anyway, I'm rambling. Want to know something interesting about me? I have 24 posters in my room. Anyways... Thank you for coming to look at my profile! I have written quite a few stories and would appreciate it you could read them but if you don't want to you don't have to. If you have a Tumblr feel free to follow me, my Tumblr is whatswrongwithbeingalittleinsane, I post mainly Sherlock, Doctor Who, Avengers, Torchwood, Starkid, Supernatural, Merlin, NCIS, Darren Criss, Glee, Star Trek, Almost Human, and I'm not Tumblr famous so any followers would be appreciated!!! Thank you for checking out my profile! |
ReneesWings (6) | szynka2496 (11) |