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Joined 07-04-12, id: 4105283, Profile Updated: 08-10-14
Author has written 1 story for Misc. Tv Shows.

NOTE: I need some help with some bits and pieces in the next 10 chapters of Darkness Within Light, and I would LOVE for you to brainstorm with me! PM me for details!
(And as always, PLEASE REVIEW DwL, I crave your input/feedback!) :)

I'm on Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram/SoundCloud [@DANCEorDYE]

I'm also active on DeviantArt [BrokenGraceEFINI]


I am a screwed up, disloyal, arrogant, disobedient failure of a follower of Jesus Christ, and the one thing my sanity clings to is that He bought me and saved me despite how much I suck at life from time to time.

I am a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Audio Engineering and Music Production at The Art Institute of Dallas. It's fun and makes my life crazy busy!

I also am the secretary for AI Dallas' Audio Club

I'm a car girl. I geek it up over 80's sports cars, turbo-chargers, and rotary engines. Nothing sexier than grease stains under manicured nails! :)

I'm very active in the global underground dance music community. Follow my SoundCloud feed for the latest and greatest in Techno, Tech-House, DnB, Glitch-Hop, and more.

I like dark beer, red wine, heavy bass, sick beats, thick eyeliner, and high heels.

I love doing anything artistic. Drawing, painting, singing, music (fluent in piano/turntables/flute/bass guitar)

I'm an avid reader, and I'm trying out my hand at writing. (FYI, I have NOT read the Twilight series or 10 Shades of Gray. Nor do I want to!)

I'm very sarcastic. VERY. ...On that note, I'm also VERY A.D.D...

I'm still scared of the dark. To this day I refuse to go outside at night by myself.

I am the mother of Sasha, a pointer/boxer/lab/red heeler/great pyrenees (Hienz 57) dog who is 60-70 pounds, who sheds like a polar bear, who is as hyper as a jack russell terrier, and who still thinks she can fit in your lap.

I also own three prissy goldfish: Fluffy, Mr. Whiskers, and Meowingtons.

I have a very awesome boyfriend who makes my world liveable and my craziness manageable. He's my knight in shiny, dented armor... and I'm his bewitched and scarred damsel in distress. :) :) :)

Favorite quotes:

God is not the ambulance driver that shows up after the wreck; He is the surgeon who makes the cut. - John Piper

Don't use words too big for the subject. Don't say "infinitely" when you mean"very"; otherwise you'll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite. - C. S. Lewis

The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair. -Relient K

My God, do not forsake me, for if ever I should be on my own, I would easily wreck it all. - Martin Luther

I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages. - Charles H Spurgeon

If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning: just as, if there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we should never know it was dark. "Dark" would be without meaning. - C. S. Lewis

Currently reading:

Truth and the New Kind of Christian (The Emerging Effects of Postmodernism in the Church) by R. Scott Smith and J. P. Moreland

Three Crucial Questions about Spiritual Warfare by Clinton E Arnold (Researching exorcism alternatives for DWL!)

The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler

Plus about 3 other books that help as research regarding the plot-line and possible sequels to DwL... :)

My Work:

Darkness Within Light - My first attempt at fan-fiction. The reason why this story is so personal for me is... the main character is modeled after me. I've had the same screwed up relationships, financial hardships, and spiritual experiences that Desiree has gone through. (Yes, really.)
Those experiences are what helped drive me to write this story. They also are what pushed me into my faith. That's why there are parts of this story that have some discussion regarding beliefs, because like me, Desiree has hard time separating faith from supernatural.
*CONTENT DISCLAIMER: I will say that I have no problem with other people's beliefs and this story is not designed in any way to step on toes. Her faith is brought up because that is part of what is driving the plot. Just in general, I am a firm believer that Religion is a dumb man-made hobby and a massive waste of time... and I am always open to debate and apologetics.* :)

Blood Sister by Void Matrix reviews
A fic written in the world of Raptor Red. This is the story of Blood Sister, from Hatching to the point that Raptor Red finds her with her second clutch.
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Darkness Within Light reviews
*Ghost Adventures fan-fiction* Desiree is your average woman... with a dark side. Secretly she battles her own inner demons and struggles on a journey to recover her faith in love and in God. Will the guys be able to deliver her from her life of torment? Will Zak be able to help her overcome her insecurities and capture her heart? PLEASE REVIEW!
Misc. Tv Shows - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 35 - Words: 108,517 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 54 - Updated: 8/10/2014 - Published: 7/19/2012