Author has written 10 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Author's note: Stupid ... Won't let me put author notes in my stories. *rolls eyes* I'm not all that great when making good/formal announcements, so I'll just get out with it. I hope whoever's waiting for me sees this. *looks around at empty room* *clears throat* Well... First off: I'm still here, and I haven't forgotten about my stories. Actually, I've been staring at them and willing my brain to come up with updates, but I haven't been receiving much inspiration lately. All I've got is good ol' WB. Secondly: NO, I have not quit writing (dude, I just started writing last year, 2003. Why would I stop now when I've just begun?) And I'm sorry to disappoint those who wanted me to stop writing. *shrug* That's the way life goes, I suppose. So anywho. I hope you guys haven't lost faith in me! I will get back to writing... someday. lol Hopefully soon. Maybe ya'll could e-mail me/post a comment on my lj with some ideas and/or whatnot. ^_^ I don't mind. =) Take care my luvvies!~DestinysFate/a.k.a. Destiny/a.k.a. Des/a.k.a. DF SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO SEE MY STORIES AND TO SKIP ALL MY RAMBLING AND NONSENSE...^_~ heheehe Quick note: I gotz me and LJ! Alright, so I've had it for a while, but I just never wrote it. But I am now! lol So yeah...Drop me a message...or two. lol http:///~Destinys_Fate Ooh! And I got me a site! It's kinda...boring and ugly and very amateur-y...I'm not much of a computer/internet wiz...but it'll just have to do for now...^_^By the way. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, need someone to talk to, or you're just plain bored. Don't hesitate to give me a shout out. ^_~ AIM: o0DestinysFate0o~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~I love Spuffy...or maybe it's Spike...But anywho. I'm absolutely smitten with this ship!=) On a side note: My old name on this site was InfoGal, just in case you wanted to I sing, I dance, I play the piano and violin, I'm learning guitar at the moment and a big WHOOP! SPIKE IS BACK!Check out the boy-oops-vamp-no...I mean ghost on WB. In Pacific time, he's on at 9pm on Wednesdays! Check your local listings! *giggles* AGH! Alright...Back to me...I've spent my spare time reading a lot of books and a LOT of Spuffy Fantasy fanfics...And after reading so much, I wanted to try writing myself...And I don't care how bad I am at it...PLEASE review. I like reviews. Come on, now. It doesn't take long...*wink* ^_~ SHOUT OUTS: EmilyTheStrange1: "Mucho Gracias, gurl!" I wouldn't have a site without you. Thank you thank you thank you!!! *huggles* And thanks for making me that pic, too. *sniffles* You're so sweet for helping me out! ^_~ Check out her profile and go to her's SO much better than mine...hehe Buffsterangelicxws: You're not alone, I read other's bios too! Thanks for putting me in your bio! *giggles* Read her stories, she doesn't have any new ones out, yet, but the ones she does have are really good! R&R ya'll! Ultrawoman: You're such a sweetie. Thanks for putting me in your site. R&R HER STORIES! She has some of the BEST! Joe Sabatino: Girl, you are SOOO talented! OMG! And you're only 14! Who knows what you'll write in the future. EVERYONE R&R HER WORK! She's a wonderful writer. Zarrah: Thanks for reading some of my stories. *grins* I very much appreciate it. Check out her stories! OMG! They are so freakin' good! They're so awesome, my friends... Dream-clouds: Thanks for helping me find me a site. I've wanted one for such a looong time..even though it's only an online diary..but y'know..*giggles* Thanks! ^_^ Speaking of my "online diary"...if you're ever bored, just check it out. It's stupid ramblings of a hormone-ridden teenage girl. hehehe ^_~ Yup...That's me...*sigh* lol *shrug* OR, if you're REALLY bored, check out my original stories, if you'd like. Oh! And I recently found this poetry site and yeah. hehe If you wanna take a peek at it... SIGHTS/SITES TO SEE: http:// (This place archives some of the best Spuffy Fantasy stories out there.) http:// (A frequently updated site with stories that hold our beloved Spike. ^_~) http:///storyline/ (Awesome site devoted to all fictions that are Spuffy. Check it out and join up! ^_^) http:// (A growing site and it needs some Spuffy fics. Got any? Submit! This site is owned by an awesome Web mistress, and she makes such purty layouts! Check it out!) Quotes Caught: "If inner voices could have conversations with other's, there would be a lot less drama in the world." ~Buffy in SlayerFan's fic, 'The Giles' Men' "No, it won't be easier to just give up. Not having you isn't an option for me, Buffy." Spike talked quickly, letting his heart guide him and paying no attention to the voice in his head screaming, 'What the hell are you doing? You're gonna lose her!' ~Spike in crazy4spike's fic 'Army Brat.' |