Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, and Devil Wears Prada. Born in 1991, female, genderqueer, lesbian, agnostic, writer, feminist, INTP or INFP, and a lot of other words. What the world needs now is more Hermione/Narcissa stories. I'm quite gay and quite into older women, so it was only a matter of time before I fell in love with this pairing. Why not Hermione/Minerva? Not challenging enough. Why not Hermione/Bellatrix? Too prone to abuse for me. But this one is just right. A word of reassurance for my lovely readers: I fully intend to complete Extinction. I've read a lot of fanfiction too, and I know how frustrating it is when a writer abandons an interesting story, or worse, leaves you hanging in limbo while you wonder if there will ever be another update. The good news is, I've been writing (non-fanfiction stuff) long enough to know that inspiration is part of the writing process, not something you wait around for. There's no bad news.
July 2020 Update: Sooo writing these fics led to meeting an extraordinary woman online and falling in love. How about that. I'm still writing (mostly focusing on finishing my original novel, but sometimes making progress on Prada) and still reading your sweet reviews, thank you all. |