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Joined May 30, 2012, id: 4028371, Profile Updated: Dec 22, 2012
Author has written 1 story for Persona Series.

Sex: Male

Birthplace: Adelaide, South Australia

Favourite Anime: Darker Than Black, Gun X Sword, Black Lagoon, Durarara!!, Gundam Wing, Haruhi Suzumiya, Rurouni Kenshin, Full Metal Panic, Code Geass

Favourite Video Games: Shin Megami Tensei, Dragon Age, Tales series, Disgaea series, Suikoden series, Armored Core, League of Legends, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, Devil May Cry, Gundam

Favourite Manga: Air Gear, Negima!, Busou Renkin, Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle,

Music: Mostly rock and anime/movie soundtracks. Lots of Japanese music. AKB48, One Ok Rock, High And Mighty Color, The Pillows, Vocaloids, you name it. Obligatory music link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C65oqb_yzY&feature=related

Superpower: Only needs three or four hours of sleep a day. Physically impossible to sleep for more than five.

Brief Background

At the time of writing I have only been recently introduced to fan fiction. I was aware of the concept but shied away from it in the same way most normal people would shy away from spiders the size of dinner plates, being a strict adherent to Sturgeon's Law (90% of everything is bad). Due to the endearing persistence of some of my peers, however, I eventually checked out one or two recommended fics and was quite pleasantly surprised.

I've never been used to writing fan fiction because it always felt like I was taking someone else's action figures and systematically tossing them out windows and through wood chippers, and it doesn't help that I generally have zero sense of plot progression. No, really. None. I've written two unpublished books and several short stories but the progression of those are ridiculous and over-the-top because frankly I was just making it up as I went along. It was like trying to finish a Connect-The-Dots puzzle but every ten seconds someone smacked you across the face with a kayak paddle, so you kind of just give up and just string meaningless events together in no particular order.

I've been improving little by little, although being a very detail oriented person it usually takes me four or five hours longer than it should for me to publish something, usually because I spend that time rereading every little thing and rewriting, adding, or cutting parts out.

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