Author has written 12 stories for My Little Pony, Final Fantasy VIII, Mega Man, Legend of Zelda, X-overs, Kingdom Hearts, RWBY, Devil May Cry, Left 4 Dead, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Star Fox. For anyone here liked my "My Little Pony: Rise of Alchemy," "Left 4 Dead: Equestria," or "Megaman X: Rainbows of Power," sorry but those stories have been discontinued. I have too little time on my hands to be updating and those three are the absolute hardest to think of story lines for. "Refreshing Memories," "Discord May Cry," and "Majora's Return" are going to be updated, but are currently on hiatus due to a MASSIVE writer's block. The writers block was so massive, the miners I sent to dig through them have taken a YEAR AND A HALF just to get close to the end of the one over "Discord May Cry." God knows how long it will take for them to dig through the rest. An update for "Distant Past" is not yet on its way due to the hiatus I have put it on so I can post two prequels. However, a writers block has also been placed over them as well. We're but a few inches from busting through the one over my potential 'Animal Crossing' fic since I actually started on it long before I wrote "Distant Past," but it may be another month before the block is broken through. For those of you wondering, I am not a Military Brony; I am a JROTC Brony, hence the Junior Colonel. I'm still a good two years from qualifying for joining any branch of the Military, and I'm probably going to join college ROTC before then. I love majority of video games, my favorite being Katamari Damaci due to its sheer randomness, and am a big fan of OC/Canon and Canon/Canon ship-fics as demonstrated by "Distant Past" and "Majora's Return" as they both have a romantic subplot and plot respectively. Although they are one in few, humans in animal world (Like 'Human in Equestria' or 'Human in Lylat') fics are some of my top favorites. Now if only more people could do them right. My favorite OC/Canon ship-fic is "The Oasis" by K.S. Reynard. Not because of the sex described in it; I skipped over those parts; but because its nice to wonder what Scarlet and Fox would have been like if they... Woah, spoiler alert! Read it and find out what I mean. One small flaw I notice with OCs in Fanfiction, and I admit to doing this too (but not on purpose), is the fact that many of them are Mary-Sues, have almost no flaws and everything going better for them. I should also note that if you want to suggest me a story, ya' better have Spell-checked and Grammar-Nazied the balls off of it, because if you write it the same way you text, I will NEVER get past the first chapter. I am one of the biggest Grammar-Nazis I know. If you are afraid of it having bad grammar but you don't know just say so and I'll try to overlook it. I'll never leave a bad review on a story, even if it pains me to read it. This is Junior Colonel Lapis Goldfire, signing-off. |