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Joined May 17, 2012, id: 4008454, Profile Updated: Nov 24, 2016

I can't believe i haven't used this since 2012.

I've decided to come back. and try writing again. I'm bad, but i'll try. All stories will be deleted. So thank you for the old support to them.

I'm found in a few places, I work so i won't be updating till my days off so please be patient.


I'm usually on, I used to take commissions and have my own species. But they've been cancelled due to an overload of work.


I'm a big furry at heart. And I love the community! They are the inspiration of my creative mind.


I use this occasionally but I do check once and again.

I no longer take commissions or request. I do every now and again. So keep an eye out for that.


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