![]() Author has written 16 stories for Naruto, Death Note, Kung Fu Panda, Thor, One Piece, and Dead Island. Hello, I am evidently RuthlessXenomorph. My life revolves around Naruto! (And other sorts of anime (Not many though.)) Luckily, I don't usually have too much homework, so I can work on my stories even longer--though I make the decision not to. @.@ My favorite character is Hidan, and I like to include him in most of my stories--though he's only made it in one. I also watch Death Note! My favorite character in that one is L. I love these couples! (Not required of you to read.) LXLight, NarutoXGaara, NarutoXSasuke, NarutoXHinata, HinataXNeji, NejiXTenten, Rock LeeXGaara, Rock LeeXTenten, KurenaiXKakashi, KakashiXTsunade, OrochimaruXTsunade, JiraiyaXTsunade, NarutoXIno, InoXShikamaru, InoXDeidara, DeidaraXSakura, SasoriXSakura, SaiXIno, TemariXShikamaru, ItachiXSakura, ItachiXSasuke, OrochimaruXKabuto, KabutoXSakura, OrochimaruXSasuke, TobiXDeidara, ItachiXDeidara, HidanXHinata and KonanXPein. Anti-NaruSaku, Anti-SakuLee (However I'm not afraid to write of it or imply), Anti-HidanXKakuzu (Though I'm not as insane as I used to be), and Anti-HidanXKonan Hidan is MINE!!! (And so is L) Also, I may (Ha, that's funny) add Sakura into couples, but I am a major Sakura hater...so yeah...sorry Sakura lovers! (And of course there are many more couples, I'm just too lazy to list them all. -.-) And that's me. Thanks for putting the time in your obviously busy schedule to read what I have to say! ;3 |