Author has written 6 stories for Lord of the Rings, Monsters Inc., Spider-Man, and Pirates of the Caribbean. Well dear people it has been a while. a long while indeed. But random plot bunnies have been bighting my arse now so i will be adding new stories up. I try to make them one shots. multi chaptered one shots they end up being but oh well. For those who are wondering just who this deranged little lunatic is i wrote a very nifty blog describing as such some time ago. if your bored why not check it out? gave my friends a laugh. A brief warning though. I am obsessive, i am a geek and my humour leans towards the quirky. You may find my stories to be an aquired taste...which is a polite way of saying 'not for everyone'. In other words, they can suck and i'll honestly not care, but i will find it delightful if you find them to be amusing. After all it is fanfiction here people. Im not aiming to write war and peace. It can be utter tripe as long as it's fun tripe. Current project: Haunted Fandom: Pirate's of the caribbean: dead man's chest Main character apperance: Davy Jones A quasi serious, mainly humerous idea of what it would be like to be visited bythe movies characters. Occasional stab at a plot but will most likely end up as various skits strung togeather. Amusing fact: each chapter so far has been inspired by the sudden idea for a picture. May actually get around to drawing the pics one of these days. |