Author has written 8 stories for X-Men, Final Fantasy VIII, Harry Potter, Weiss Kreuz, and Naruto. *Lovecraft walks up to the raised dias looking unutterably shy, the cameras train on her with their giant zoom lenses causing the girl to jump*...Hi. I'm 'Craft. Lovecraft blinks at the camera and is relieved when it doesn't blink back* I just wanted to say... The cameras zoom in even closer* HA! I'VE GOT YOU NOW! HAAAAAAA! YOU'RE TRAPPED AND YOU'RE ALL GOING TO READ MY POINTLESS STORIES! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Lovecraft runs out to the audience and grabs one member by the shoulders... only to find that it's cardboard* The fook? Lovecraft realises that all her captured audience is cardboard* Well... poo. Lovecraft harumphs and stalks back out of the building* Behind the last row of cardboard cutouts, a small group of people stand and eye each other* Dude, what a weirdo. Totally, man. Yeah, way maniacal. Twisted even. The small group eyes each other* Let's go order pizza. Far out! |