Author has written 3 stories for Cyborg 009. Hey People! If you're stopping by my site, I'm very sorry to say but all my stories are on Hiatus for the time being.. x.X Sorryz, but I just don't have enough time to update them...Hell, I never really did.. School's been keeping me super busy. x.X Anyways, If you're still reading my stories, THANK YOU! It makes me feel so loved! Haha, anyways, here's my bio: Name: Sakura Age: Hahahaha,I am 13! Well, I'll be turning 14 in November.. ;; Ehehehe.. Favorite Anime: Ah! Megami sama, Angelic Layer, Angel Sanctuary, Beyblades, Fruit Baskets, Dragonball(Z,G/T), Naruto, Juline, Tokyo Mew Mew, Rurouni Kenshin, Code Lyoko, Cyborg 009, .Hack//Sign, Yu Yu Hakusho, DN Angel, Chobits, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Zoids, Gundam Seed, FLCL, X/1999, Duel Masters, Rave Master, Detective ConanCased Closed, Inuyasha, Wolfs Rain, and Many more...I'm just too lazy to post them. XD Sorriez. Favorite Couples: SasuSakuNaruto 009/003Cyborg 009 Soujirou/MisaoRurouni Kenshin Kenshin/KaoruRurouni Kenshin Syaoran/SakuraCCS Misaki/KoutaruAngelic Layer Ichigo/MasayaTokyo Mew Mew Yusuke/BotanYYH Mimiru/Tsukasa.Hack Bear/BT.Hack Subaru/Crim.Hack Elie/HaruRave Master Rena/Shugo (Okay, I know this is a weird pairing..Sue Me) .Hack Eriol/TomoyoCCS Chezza/KibaWolfs Rain Inuyasha/KagomeInuyasha Rants: I don't know if this is me, but I think Kikyo and Sango look more alike.. As Kagome and Rin look more similiar. If you think about it, Sasuke really does care for Sakura...But he just hasn't shown it. =P Anyways..That's enough..Like I said, my stories are on Hiatus for the time being..I'll be stopping in to read some fanfics every once in awhile, but I doubt there'll be a chapter any time soon..Thanks for supporting me you guys_ |