Author has written 42 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Slayers, Sorcerer Hunters, Song Fics, Queer as Folk, Weiss Kreuz, Harry Potter, Gravitation, and Fruits Basket. Not much to say about me, personally. Eighteen, single, Canadian (woot!), and ..only -slightly- twisted.My favorite couplings are: Zelgadiss/Xelloss (Slayers), Toya/Yuki (CCS), Yue/Clow (CCS), Carrot/Marron (SH), Mille/Marron (SH), Vash/Wolfwood (Trigun), Toya/Aya (Ayashi No Ceres), Brad/Schu (WK), Brad/Nagi, (WK) and Farfie with -anybody-. (Weiß Kreuz) Update Mailing List: If you want to join the elite group of readers who get news and excerpts of new chapters before they're posted, then mention it in a review, or e-mail/contact me. ^^ I really don't mind adding you. *Coming Soon..* Updates: ...okay then. All original stuffies has been moved to now.. So for updates on Flowers for Ophelia, Suburban Midnight, and Dearly Beloved (200+ reviews!) and the like, head there. |