Author has written 22 stories for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Silmarillion. SAVE THE HORSES:help stop horse slaughter for human consumption by answering "no" to the poll: POLL: http:///UK/results.asp?PollID=9765 PLEASE PUT THIS LINK ^ ON YOUR BIO AND SEND IT TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY ALSO!! *Pro-Life since 2000* Vegitarian since 2003* Daughter since 1991* Feminist since 2003* Friend since 1991* Christian since 1999* Sister since 1992* Writer since 2000* A BUNCH OF STUFF ABOUT ME: I am Pro-life; I do not believe in abortion, period. I also do not believe in war, murder (that can be classified as abortion), or anything that would kill another human being. I believe that a fetus is a human from the moment of conception.* *I am a vegitarian; I will not eat animals, period.* *I am a feminist; I believe that no man is better than a woman because of his gender.* *I am a Christian; I believe in Heaven and I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins.* Don't agree with anything I just said? Tough. *In Loving Memory Of...* Channa (Sept. 12, 1994-Jan. 9, 2000) *Drowned* Baby Jessica (Died a few hours after her birth due to complications) *My cousin* All the babies who have had to die from abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973--that's over 43 MILLION BABIES. STATISTICS: In 2000, more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined. There were over 3,600 abortions per day in 2000, 151 per hour, one every 24 seconds. In that same year, for every 1,000 live births, there were 306 abortions for every 1000 live births. * The annual number of abortions went from 744,600 in the *There were more that 140,000 second and third trimester A survey of women seeking abortions indicated that only 7% *A June, 1999 Wirthlin Poll found that 62% of respondents At an average cost of $372, the abortion business is a $400 Nearly half of all abortions are obtained by women who CHART OF STATISTICS: Social Reasons (given as primary reason) TOTAL: 93% "Hard Cases" (given as primary reason) TOTAL: 7% |