Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter. FiNd OuT wHo YoU aRe AnD dO iT oN PuRpOsE DOLLY PARTONI always thought she was smart... My names Sara, aka Destiny, and I absolutely love the Harry Potter series almost as much as i love writing. I'm 19 years old andsometimes have a tendency to act like a 9 yearold...but hey dont we all?I am in college so its sometimes hard for me to keep up with stories, although i am working on one right now so watch out for it! I also love the movies and i was actually fortunate enough to attend the New York Premiere of POA. To read about my experience, go to and click on fanzone, you'll see a link to fan stories, click on Sara's story, and there ya go! I know I'm no J.K. Rowling, but if you'd review my stories with positive or negative comments (no flames) that would be great. Enjoy my stories and rock on. ~~~SARA~~~ |