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Joined 04-04-03, id: 365275, Profile Updated: 09-15-20
Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, and Yu Yu Hakusho.

My fics are being added to AO3, in case you prefer reading there. I can be found under my usual penname 'Alesyira'

(I haven't added Wander, yet, b/c I found some revisions I was working on that I might want to poke around at later on)

Teasers (WARNING - potential SPOILERS for existing chapters of TBA, do not look unless you're caught up)

new snips added 9-5


new update sep 15

still writing. not dead (yet). I think the next chapter is done. (???) But I've gotta work on what comes next for a bit longer while I mull over events I've written to make sure I didn't forget something important (the chapter feels a little short). Probably will post this weekend, and if I'm really lucky I'll have a few more to come shortly afterwards. (??? MAYBE ??? This block is making me very unsure right now. I might need to print things out to hard copy edit ?? )

update sep 14

Still writing, but it's slooooow going. TT_TT I've had to reference the original fic to make sure I kept my concepts straight. I've made so many notes the last week. Progress is progress, I guess.

update sep 12

still feeling a teeny bit blocked but writing tidbits as I can, anyways. :) still days of work away from anything being ready, though. Sorry it's taking a while. it feels a bit like trying to put together a colorless puzzle, and maybe the cat ran away with a few pieces that I have to find scattered around the house. ~love

update sep 11

Still writing. still feeling a bit blocked, but words are coming in small bits here and there. (Gotta admit some of my thinking time has been devoted to skimming tiktok thinking about how to shift some of the borrowed material into original territory.)

Also, I've seen a lot of eye-candy art and it's really making me want to pick up a pencil to do some art of my own... (sigh)

Honestly though, the biggest hold-up is that the next 4 chapters wrap up a major loose end and it's gotta come together just right

update sep 10

9 is stuck because I'm trying to wrap my mind around 11 and 12. And sadly I cannot post 10 until 9 is done, and 9 can't progress without more work in 11 and 12. Guess I better stop whining and get back to piecing together my textual mess. TT_TT

update sep 9

still feeling blockish but making tiny progress in the upcoming stuff. I expect I'll be working on the upcoming chapters together for a while and so my next update(s) might be several days off, still.

update sep 7

still feeling blockish, but I'm up to 2.5k words in the next chapter, so I'm making tiny progress here and there. the upcoming chapters are pieces all over the place that'll eventually stitch together. Sorry for the delay, but I can't rush these bbs. :)

update sep 6 (evening)

sigh feeling some block. Thinking about Skyrim and how I played it for like four years over a thousand hours (chasing butterflies and whatnot) before I got around to finishing it because once it's done it's DONE. (Kind of.)

I'm really feeling like the end of this arc is the end of the story. and then I feel like a massive jerk for leaving the fic on like a decade hiatus doing everything else but write, only to finish the story up in some kind of mad pandemic rush over six months. anyways. end rant. just feeling a bit of block. I must have spent a few hours today just staring at the ceiling contemplating things but writing only like 200 words. I should probably just let go of the blehs and write whatever comes to mind and edit it into shape once I get it all out.

update sep 6:

contemplating the effort required to shift the magic wand / anshan / unnamed sequel fics into completely original territory. There'd be junk to toss, lots to rewrite, heavy character modification, additional world-building. Kind of exciting.

Anyways, more progress is being made on upcoming chapters. More thought is required. Let's plan on a new update next weekend, but I'll post it earlier if I can make it happen by then.

update sep 5 (evening):

K I've been working on the next chapter and I've come to realize I really need to be working on the next four chapters at the same time. Too much coincides between them and I want to make sure it all falls correctly into place. Fingers crossed it doesn't take me a week or two to get to another posting point, but I want to make sure I do these next few right TT_TT

it'll be three (? three planned but maybe more or less depending on how they end up breaking) final chapters of the arc as well as the last interlude. We're quickly coming up on a point where I need to decide if I start a new arc or wrap this fic and start the next as a new sequel...? If you see this note and have input in the next two weeks (before 9/19) I'd appreciate your two cents :) :) I've added some chapter title snips from the last of arc 5 as well as the stuff coming up in arc 6, including wordcount so you can see there's a lot of work left to do for the 'now' stuff but so much coming up for 'what's next' :D

update sep 5 (morning):

Well, it's Saturday morning. So much time ahead of me this weekend to just write write write. But these next chapters need some work and thought, so don't expect anything new for at least a few days.

I promise it won't be another year, this time ;)

update sep 3:

Exciting to have a new chapter posted! The next one still has some --a lot of-- work needed. Maybe. I expect it'll be a week before I'm ready to post again, or maybe it'll be sooner if things go really well.

hmm... the more I think about the chapter I just posted, I wonder if it even counts as 'fluff' ... maybe it's more WAFF bordering on UST because all you guys get to see is a tiny smidgen. (thinking) maybe I need to write more of it. (thinking more)

update sep2:

6.3k on the next chapter. Things are coming together nicely. I'm nearly ready for my final out-loud readthrough, which will probably happen tomorrow morning. oml I just couldn't help but write in a bit more fluff. (fans self) the best part about writing your own stories is that you get to read your favorite parts over and over again and make them just like you'd want to read them and then read them again and sigh happily

Sorry, I should finish up this chapter so the rest of you can sigh happily too haha

update sep 1:

wow it's already september... self-exile has worked wonders to get the creative juices flowing. tBA has gone from 80k words to 140k words (posted) - still another 22k words that have been written that need extra work before they can be posted.

next chapter is at 5.5k. Fluff is intensifying I think, but still trying to keep it subtle. I'm currently stuck trying to work the dialogue in the opening bits.

Funny fact, a long time ago (back in like 2006 when the fic was just Kagome, Hiei, and Kurama on an adventure in the makai) I wrote in that the vine would require some pretty wild threesome sexy-time to let go, but then the story gained plot and it no longer made sense. However, there was dialogue that was developed along those lines that I'm having a hard time letting go. I'll reflect on it a bit longer and see what is salvageable and remove the rest... hmm... wild threesome sexy-time. Memories. :3

update aug 31

Well, this next chapter is going a bit further than I intended it to, but it's making more sense as it comes together. Still some broken connections between bits I've written that need to be wrapped up. I don't think it'll be done tomorrow, but I bet it'll be ready before the weekend. :)

I'll probably take a break from it after poking at it tonight to see if I can get started on what comes next, because that one might take a while. I'm not 100% sure what should come next out of everything that I have planned. It feels like there's a chapter there that's waiting to be discovered.

update aug 30

Yay, moving forward! The next chapter has about 4.6k words but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done. It's mostly in pieces. I'm expecting this one to be at least a few days of work, maybe next weekend. It's a bit... H/K fluffy. :3 just a bit.

er, I actually started looking at the work I've begun for arc 6 and I kinda realized that it might make better sense to end tBA and start a new fic? Maybe?

Ok, thinking on it further... maybe. bigger maybe. "Time" might become its own fic instead of bits and pieces in a new arc. Mostly because I'd love to spend more time on Shippo in the ningenkai, circa 1970s. Maybe at the very least a side-posting. The adventures of Toshi and Shin, two mischievous teen boys, especially the day they met Aiko, Kagome's momma. (happy sigh) so much planned...

update aug 29

Almost done with the next chapter, so many a new post tonight or tomorrow :) I have a lot to put together for the chapter after that, though, so it'll likely be another week before it's ready unless something magical happens. Good news, though: while staring at a wall contemplating potential trouble spots for this chapter and the next, I figured out a resolution I'd been waffling on for the last few months, so more stuff is falling into place. \o/

I took a fun bit of OOC out of the scrap pile and posted it in my snips, because the chapter it originally came from is getting closer to completion and I'm definitely not using it now.

update aug 28 (again)

Whoops - I forgot about something coming up in arc 6, and so my wording in the last chapter at the very end could have been seen as a plothole. Had to go in and correct it, so for the first ten readers that already saw what had been written there, I hope that by the time that spot comes up in five or six chapters they aren't the super observant type and go 'wait a second...' (but even if they do and they search back for where they saw it it no longer exists incorrectly :3)

update aug 28

Home again. New chapter posted this morning from my phone, hope that turned out fine...

Had a lot of time to think during the long drive home last night, and I realized a solution to a current trouble (in the next chapter arc5ch7) that also makes for an excellent trouble spot in a later chapter (arc6ch?) that was just kind of loafing about, being meh.

Super excited to get back to writing from the comfort of my home with fewer distractions and everyone else back to being pandemic lazy.

Also, sometimes I think about how much trouble poor Kagome has to go through. surely her troubles are nearly at an end and she'll eventually be able to retire...? or something. surely.

update aug 26

brought the laptop, doing some writing while we wait for the storm to pass. I miss my tiny cramped office and my couch and the comforts and familiarity of home. :/ I'm thankful we will likely have a home to return to, but many won't be so lucky.

update aug 25

Hurricane delay. We are probably evacuating this afternoon, but I’m bringing my laptop to see about getting some more writing done. stay safe everyone

update aug 24

chapters 6-7-8 are still in progress. there are some important points I want to make sure all hook up correctly so I'm gonna take my time on them until I'm sure I've got everything in order. so, 6 might still be a few days out depending on how it goes.

also, omg I updated a ton on mmo, right, and I have it set to send me notifications when things in my story are updated so I can see how soon those notices go out, and my gosh the amount of spam I got from all the chapter updates and then all the new chapters getting updated I was so mad at the near constant DINGs my phone shot at me from 6pm until midnight every like 15 minutes I'm so sorry to anyone who also got those notices

update aug 22

Posted satmw and tBA on AO3. Eventually the fic is gonna have some content that I’ll have to edit out before I can post. AO3 has a pretty nice reading format. This site is still my primary drop off point tho. oml i had to add like 17 chapters to get MMO caught up there.

update aug 21:

made some pretty good progress on ch6 today, so I'm marking it as initial draft and moving on to the next stuff. ch4 needs an out-loud in the morning but I'll be posting it after that's done. :)

update aug 20

arc 5: ch 3, 4, 5 are almost ready. they'll need one final out-loud readthrough, so tomorrow looks like it'll get a new chapter.

unless I go crazy and do an out-loud tonight on 3 which I'm kinda excited to post. Some of these pieces have been 'in progress for years and years and it's so nice to share the fun with others and have it make some sense. (Sometimes I wonder if I foreshadow enough, or if my behind-the-scenes knowledge is being presented with just enough info to make sense to people who are new to my imagination) meh

ch 6 is likely going to take days of work. There's an important section that I vaguely outlined as 'this general thing must happen' forever ago but never really fleshed out, so we'll see. :)

7 is pretty far in its progress, and 8 is allllso pretty far in its progress. (inner squee)

update aug 19

Thanks to drama with my brother being very very rude (!!!), last night didn't get a post like I'd hoped. I'll post another chapter tomorrow after poking at arc 5 - ch 1 for a few more moments. it's really really short, though. I'm pretty ready for these next four chapters to post, so we'll probably get daily updates for a few. :)

lol I had to write out a 'pros / cons' table to decide how I want to handle some medium-ish detail coming up in arc 5 - ch 5. I've written it both ways but one way made more sense once I put down all the reasons why I should or shouldn't follow that route. funny how what seems like a small choice can end up affecting a ton of stuff that comes after it...

upcoming unposted content currently totals 30k words split over at least twenty more chapters.

update: aug 18

interlude 3 is nearly done. maybe posting it tonight. I've already done a readthrough but it still needs some work. I like it, but I'm not sure I like it enough. This is probably one of those things I'd rather set aside for a few months and then come back to it in 2021 and go "oh gosh, I love this but it needs this other thing and I should delete this 30% that's not quite right" and then post it. but aint nobody got time for that kind of delay anymore.

arc 5 has the first 8-ish chapters nearly complete, so yaaaaaay :) (eh, one of them is pretty short, but it still counts) new snip added showing upcoming chapter names and really brief synopses, good luck speculating incorrectly :D

update: aug 17:

I had zero patience.

I'm not sure I want to wait a week to do the final rearrange and post the next chapter. I might do did it tonight. Everything is now in order. joooooooooyyyyyyyy

The Rescue 14 is ready to post I think. It's kind of weird that the two posts (yesterday's and that one) are both at the ends of arcs. Interlude 3 goes right after the rescue 14, and that is almost done, too! I need a bit more work on arc 5's first chapter(s) but at this rate we'll be doing pretty frequent updates starting this next weekend until I make it through the mostly-complete stuff.

update aug 16:

omg. I think I'm done with the timeline connector chapter. Maybe it needs more work, but it's ready to unleash. I'm thinking next weekend (or after the regular 'first readers' have hit the update) I'll be doing the final story rearrange to have everything in their correct order.

I'll put a note in the chapters at the trailing end so visitors can see that things have been pushed back into place. Sorry for the confusion. From the rearrange, forward, it'll all be going in one direction. Sort of. (evil laughter)

update aug 15

I got impatient and just posted the revised chaps and also pushed the rest of seeking chapters into the correct place. LMAO. reviews stay attached to the 'original chapter number' so with the rearrange some chapters have some mismatching reviews and it's kinda hilariously bad.

update: aug 15

this chapter is difficult to write. it'll start to fall into place eventually. I did some minor revisions of 'the rescue' arc files in preparation of the story rearrangement. It's difficult to read old work and not linger on every detail. Found some crazy typos, and also am seriously lamenting my excessive use of ellipses. Realized I had Kurama running around with his mother's dry cleaning and never had someone take it to her before he left for makai. it felt good to have that loose end tied up.

I'm also working ahead on later chapters and am finding spots that I expected a different order of events. Rewrites are in progress. I love it when things click together and fall into place.

update: aug 14:

yay, new chapter. one more chapter to post now before everything can be connected together. (That doesn't leave much room for whatever nonsense happens over 4 centuries but it's all part of the plan)

Currently at a bit over 2k words for the next chapter, but I'm feeling like it's gonna be another 5k chapter due to how much content I expect will need to go in it. Current rate of writing puts this chapter at a release date around Sunday. We'll see...

love love

update: aug 13:

first, thank you if you've reviewed. Even just a few words here and there are such a delight to read.

I'm pretty sure I'm about a week of writing madness away from going back to a weekly post update, but I'm trying to be realistic. I literally have 39k words of content already written for in progress chapters. The next two chapters require a bit more consideration and addition before they're ready to go. I'm so excited about correcting my story structure that I just can't help but push push push

I may end up revising some of the work I've squeaked out a bit too soon, but fortunately so much of the later content has been written that even if I rush the middlings, it's all heading in the same place so I'm able to avoid the worst of plot holes that arise from taking less time to consider the consequences of things I put down on paper

I enjoy mentally dwelling in this adventure just a bit too much.

love and thanks for coming along for the trip

update: aug 12

I have completely spoiled you guys with all the updates this month. The pace cannot keep up lol - I’ll probably fall back to one chapter per week pretty soon (after I’m all caught up) I can’t believe so much is getting wrapped up now...

thank you self-imposed exile

Turns out I'm getting pretty close to being done with the next few chapters. we might have the timelines connected by sometime this weekend and I'm just dying in excitement for that to happen so I can stop feeling guilty about being posted out of order.

also, I have to admit I did a whole lot of evil-laughing (a whoooooole lot) at the last chapter where "it" happened, but it and this chapter I posted today had been planned and written years ago... Originally it had been meant to serve a different purpose, but as that purpose changed it got worked in differently to the later elements. (so much fun writing)

update: aug 11

making progress on some upcoming stuff. :) Sometimes you've just gotta write. I wasn't expecting this chapter to go where it's going, but it seems to be working out ok :D It helps that I have so much of what happens later already written, so I have more direction on where these things should end up.

feels like it's been a week since I posted the last chapter but it's only been a single day. let's shoot for next chapter posted tomorrow evening. I mean, it's been done for literally three years, so I guess it's been revised enough by now.

update: aug 10, dinnerish

feeling kinda stuck on an upcoming chapter. I don't think I'm gonna write it. I only have one sentence of content and a paragraph of notes on what happens, anyways. maybe it's not meant to be. I'm thinking I'll work it into the chapter that goes immediately after it, because that one is making progress.

also, seriously considering either removing or blanking the content on my 'present' chapters until the last of this timeline stuff is posted. I don't like that I posted so much out of proper order in my haste to share the stories. (frustration) it's a trouble with sharing work in progress. :( I don't know how best to handle it.

I've revised the structure clip in the teasers post. I also had to remove one of the teasers because it was in the chapter I just posted, so I added two new teaser clips to replace it :) Who knows when they'll happen?? (well, I know when they happen)

update: aug 10 noonish

well. new chapter posted. might be a few more days before I post again. (awkward silence) ahem.

the next chapter is technically ”done” ? but the one after that needs a hefty bit of work so I will work on what’s coming up and post the first chapter of the new arc once the second chapter is a bit further along. (plus, five new chapters in as many days is a lot.)

update: aug 9 727pm

yeah, I wrote all day and posted again. The next chapter is pretty close to being done and will reference some of the prologue. About 5 more chapters after that, the rest of the prologue will be worked into the story and I can remove it from the fic entirely and then PUT EVERYTHING IN ORDER I'm so excited. !!!!

I've decided to truck on through the rest of the stuff I need to get done to connect the timelines and then I'll start posting the present stuff again, because it'll all be in order! I regret my original confusing story layout and am determined to fix it asap.

update: aug 9 1015am

oml again, I had a breakthrough while working on my timeline connection chapter. this is so exciting for me :D continuing work on the next two chapters. I unfortunately have some errands to run this afternoon so I'm not sure how much time I can zone out writing once lunchtime rolls around.

update: aug 9 1216am

oml I'm almost done with the next two chapters, which are the final two chapters of this seeking arc. I thought it would be another week or so before I'd be able to post these, but I'm actually so close to being done with them and so DAMNED thrilled to get them posted that I might have them up by the end of this weekend. It's technically only 16 minutes into august 9, so let's see how motivated I am after a good morning's sleep.

update: Aug 8.

New chapter posted! The next one I'm working on still needs quite a bit of work. It probably won't be ready for another week actually is nearly done with the first draft. Which means I can work a bit on the chapter after that, then do my revisions and final read through, which means I might be able to post this next one tomorrow or Monday. dude, momentum. The chapter after 'the things we want' is mostly done, and it's one of those chapters that I've been super excited to be able to post. It might be contributing to the speed of writing, also equally likely that those who are reviewing are throwing extra fuel on the fire. Thanks, you guys.

I forgot I had meant to start dropping the year at the front of the chapter (or section, if years change mid-chapter for whatever reason), so that's happening, now.

We are now roughly SEVEN chapters away from the timelines being connected, which means no more flipping back and forth between the storylines, and everything will be organized appropriately from that point forward. (inner screaming)

As we get closer to the timeline connection, I'll be sure to drop an author's note with notice about the final reorganization of chapters. I've added a screenshot of how the story will be structured to the teaser snips because I can't post any images in here. (sad)

update: aug 7

omg the story is getting so close to ... well... the thing. a few things. omg. !!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited. momentum has returned. I think I got a little discouraged because I had so much left to do in the last chapter.

ugh, so much anticipation. (Made worse by working on chapters that probably can't be posted for months)

Fun fact: Currently, the fic has around 100k words. The currently written upcoming content (some mostly complete chapters, some still notes and outlines) equals another 47k written words. We aren't even to the halfway point yet. @_@

update: Aug 6:

huzzah, I wrapped another chapter! (Oh, also I moved the chapter order around again to put the previous seeking chapters together for someone who is checking the new post and might already be lost) (we get ever so closer to the moment when enough story is posted that I can legit put everything in proper order and LEAVE IT ALONE I'm internally screaming)

I've decided to post a smallish chapter tomorrow while I work on the next two sections that will probably be posted separately as well, since they're both decently standalone.

The chapter after that is gonna be a long one, BUT most of it is written, so that means it probably won't be one of those things that takes a few weeks to wrap up. omg. I can't wait until I can post it and ...

update: Aug 5:

Yeah I really lost momentum. lame. Editing has killed my daily wordcount progress as I trim out junk that I don't really need.

Midnight Sun was released yesterday and I kinda spent a bit (a lot) of hours reading it since I got my hands on it. It's neat to see how the story has changed from the initial leaked draft from like 2009 versus where it's at today. Some of the writing structure SM uses feels natural but I can imagine a ton of 'professional' writers and editors out there are probably cringing at the same things that I'm like, yeah, this feels right.

I set it down a few hours ago and got back to my editing, though. yay I'm down to the final out-loud readthroughs on the next chapter, so that should be posted sometime tomorrow. :) fingers crossed!

update: Aug 3:

lost some momentum. feeling a little stuck. I wanted to write in some relationship stuff but it felt a bit forced so I dropped the thread. maybe inspiration will hit with that mindset later on and I'll get to pick it up again. I'm also pulling out stuff that doesn't seem to fit or ultimately doesn't matter, even though I liked what I had written. it's helping, but feels so damned wasteful.

Editing can be painful. :(

I'm trying to regain momentum by working ahead on some of the newer stuff that's coming up. still hoping to be able to post something tonight or tomorrow depending on how the editing goes, sorry sorry, so much ahead I can't wait to share but editing editing editing

update: August 1:

I've decided to pull two sections from the chapter I'm working on now to drop into the chapter that comes after it, meaning I can do my final revisions on the current work and get something posted today or tomorrow. :) That'll give me a tiny bit more time to figure out how I want the next chapter to end, because it's feeling a little tricky...

update July 30:

dramatic whining

still writing. kinda stuck on this chapter, but not really stuck. It's important to show and not tell, and I'm struggling how much to write about. I feel like a ton of the stuff that's ending up typed is gonna end up in my notes for later, like things that help me remember why something is the way it is and not some other way.

lol I was dating out some chapters the other day and found old notes from like 10 years ago (literally) and realized that the 'logical' dating pattern I was trying to roll with actually matched my decade-old history timeframe research, so I guess the story has been roughly the same since I got started. Well, except for how quickly the whole thing originally ended, and the twist that came up last year during brainstorming, and then the extra chapters that keep getting tacked on to tie up weird loose ends... And that recent eclipse chapter that felt a bit like filler?? That totally gets visited from the other side later on. :3 mwahahaha! I read somewhere that a good "novel" length is like 80k and I'm probably dragging this on and on, but whatever. :)

update July 28:

I'm kinda lmao at the traffic stats that clearly show that about half of the people reading tBA are skipping the Shippo stuff. I mean... I'm not writing that for just lols

can't wait until we get to later on in the fic and some readers are like 'wtf is this? who tf is that? what does this even mean?' XD

MAYBE it's just because I posted two chapters back to back and people didn't read both chapters. :/ not sure. I'll rearrange the prev chapters just before I post the next one this weekend so if a reader has to go back to see what just happened it'll be the one that so many skipped...

Getting close to wrapping the initial draft of this next chapter though, which means I'll be doing my merciless deletions followed by the outloud readthrough, which helps find the really random weirdness that is hard to pick up unless you hear what you're trying to say.

Also, feeling kinda o_o about the smutty chapter I have drafted for much later on in the fic. Luckily that one won't be posted for months at this rate lol. there's at least 24 chapters in progress right now, and while I'd like to post more than one a week it might end up my approximate schedule. No more sneak peeks for a while. (Too much spoiler.)

update July 27:

sigh. I just a quick compile of upcoming chapters and I'm at a bit over 50k words in various stages from 'in progress'/draft/revised/'ready to post'

so. much. text.

also, I posted another teaser snip to the album listed below, but I might run out of the 'not a spoiler' chunks pretty soon. so much feels spoiler-y right now! better get back to it!! :) :)

update July 26:

omfg I just figured out a trouble spot I had for... er... way later in the story. hm. (takes notes) The more I write of the end, the more I wonder when I can actually stop writing the story... because it doesn't seem to have a good stopping point yet. (singing: this is the fic that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends) (maybe not)

I've been feeling inspired to do some art of the character lineup. But I want to keep writing more. So maybe I'll do some brainstorming in a line-free notebook and doodle a teeny bit.

makin' progress on the next chapter, working title is 'the fire' although it'll probably change somewhat once I get a bit closer to its completion. It'll probably be ready to post by this next weekend. Funny though, the next two after that ('the day death came to the valley' and 'the return') are nearly complete. After that is the third interlude!

The last 'present' chapter I have ready to go might need to wait until I figure out everything that goes into interlude 3

update July 25:

seven or eight chapters until the timelines are caught up! Good news, I'm not going to be writing a bunch of stuff spanning the centuries. Once the timelines are joined, I'll rearrange the chapters to put everything in correct order, and I'll also be updating old work with some revisions that remove junk / cringey jokes / TMI, etc. (done with revenge 1-3 revisions and those are updated on the site)

fun times. revisions will also be removing names of people who are only briefly mentioned with no intention to bring them back into the story. There are far too many OCs to keep track of. Lately, if I make the effort to select a name for someone, it's only because I have some intended purpose for them later on. Makes sense to apply that concept retroactively. Also gonna tack the year in which the chapter starts onto the front of the text, instead of 'the past', with the exception of the interludes (I don't know if I'll ever calculate how long ago those would have had to happen) and anything happening in 'the present'.

The original IY timeline happened between 97-00, so that's where I originally started counting backwards for our past adventures, but because I despise the tech limitations we had going on twenty years ago, I don't think I'm going to really draw attention to the fact that the 'present' stuff is technically set in the early 00s.

also, I was poking around at some old faves on another site and discovered a story with several hundred reviews had been taken down for major revisions with only an author's note explaining where it went, and that was like 8 years ago, and has apparently been forgotten about. horrifying. not even a note where someone could read the old version stored somewhere else. writers, if your fic is good enough to end up on fave lists, don't do that D: Another fic I had faved was removed from the site entirely because the author converted it for publication as an original story, which is awesome and I'm so proud their work went mainstream :D

update july 24:

I lost my daily 'words written' statistics in my app (because, beta testing = a bit buggy). Sad. It's only tracking what I've written the last two days. I was on track for 50k in July. Oh well.

Today I did a ton of editing and only made a net gain of 615 words, but that's not too bad considering how much stuff I deleted during edits... also, hey I got another chapter posted!

I feel kinda bad sitting on these next two present-time crossover chapters. Maybe I'll post one this weekend. Or now.

Here's a teaser tidbit, this fic will be back in crossover territory in the past before we catch up to the present-time adventures. (That probably made little sense.)

update july 23:

Worked a bit more on writing and then read an ollllllld fave by Kojoro Honor Among Thieves. Yummmm, if you like kagome/kurama/hiei writing, yikes. this one just oozes character (and ch 2 is highly creative smut). Now I'm depressed about how delightful the writing was and how much I feel my own work is lacking in comparison, but I remind myself that I'm writing for my adventure's sake and imma keep on trucking. gonna try to finish up 'the agreement' today, or at least get to the 'read out loud for mistakes' stage. one section is still in WIP mode.

update: july 22

Well, after that twosome-fluff chapter, I wrote another chapter that turned into a threesome-things-happening, so that was fun to work on...

Currently figuring out some connection points. (lmao) uh, for the story, not MA content. ahem. I'm trying to clean up the timeline of events to make sure everything works together. Did I mention (in every chapter) that this fic might lead to highly inappropriate content? because it definitely does right now. :3 nothing has been finalized, yet, but I'm leaning heavily toward a primary pairing, but also two additional pairings because why not

I've always liked to think that, if I can't find something I want to read, I might as well write it so I can read it and tweak it to my liking. I hate to think about the fact that I can't please everyone, and I know there's gonna be a few people that are like, "Wait- no, why not this instead of that?"

I'm sorry my lovely readers, but this fic is totally for my amusement and if you happen to also enjoy it too, then awesome! Otherwise, my advice to you is write your fic and make things happen the way you want them to happen, and take a stroll through your imagination to find your most treasured adventure :D

Fun fact: in June I edited and revised a bunch, and that month's total new wordcount was about 15k. This month, which isn't even over yet, there is now an additional 40k words

update: july 21, 2020

Hoo boy, I just wrote a 2k chapter of nothing but fluff between Kagome and one of her potential interests. If it doesn't make it into the fic because I can't make it fit (#thatsWhatSheSaid), I'll post it separately.

update: july 20, 2020

uhh - tBA is turning into kind of a flirt-fic. Yikes, one of the chapters I'm working on right now is not HieiKagome. Not sure how I feel about it, but it seems right for that chapter. It's also really far into the storyline. Like, the second-to-last chapter I currently have written. Not the end end but most everything I had planned to happen has happened by that point, and I'm piecing the madness together while new concepts make their case for further adventure. Also not saying that I've determined any for sure final pairings. I mean, it makes sense that when you're young and adventuring out into adulthood you don't settle down with the first pretty face to show interest. Maybe you go on some dates, do some cuddling and/or training, inspire some jealousy, etc :) lol

update: july 19, 2020

Ok I'm being a bit mean to the people who joined the adventure mostly for the crossover fun. hopefully everyone is enjoying the Shippo stuff too, because he's my bb.

I feel a little guilty, because what I'm doing right now is essentially writing and posting two stories concurrently, but one cannot exist without the other, kind of like if you didn't read the magic wand fic then the premise of the makai adventure might be kind of weird to follow.

next up after today's chapter will be one more past-stuff 'the agreement', and then I'll need some more time to get the parts after that in order, so I'll post one or two of the pending crossover bits, but that's all of the crossover stuff I can post until we're all caught up. I think I'm done apologizing. if you're here for the whole picture, cool.

I'm going to keep my momentum going as long as possible, because I'm so excited to bring this mess of an adventure together :)

update: july 18, 2020

(omfg) I have started to work on some of the ending stuff and it's starting to go sideways into a potential sci-fi jaunt (because you know, things that used to be thought of as 'magic' was really just science that wasn't understood yet). This content I'm writing might still end up in the trash as I work more on the connecting content but I'm definitely over here giggling about how muddled timelines can get when you're dealing with a story that originally involved time-travel, and the more that things fall into place, the less I want to toss it. :3

Currently listening to music by Ólafur Arnalds

update: july 17, 2020

yesterday I started the planning on how the story would end (which is still quite a ways off). I’ve had the general concept for a long while, but my future chapter work has progressed enough that actually writing portions of it has become possible.

update: july 15, 2020

omg it's amazing that I can rearrange my chapters super easy so I can drag them into a better order to make sense to someone coming back to read (what happened just before this??) when past or present stuff is ready to go, drag drag drag :D

pretty sure ffn didn't mean for me to use my profile like some kind of writing journal but whatever. still waiting on something from someone before I post much more, but I figured I could safely drop 'the eclipse' in the meantime.

I wish I could write 450 years of Shippo adventures but that's a ton, and I'm impatient.

I want to introduce / flesh out four(?) primary (past timeline) concepts into the story before we can focus solely on the present... plus one of those concepts might open the story up for more stuff after the primary storyline is done so that's kind of exciting.

p.s. while planning for the 12th upcoming chapter (ch35), I realized I'm going to have to remove the prologue because it'll no longer be necessary. o_o

update: july 13, 2020

I feel kinda like I'm losing momentum, but then I look at how much I've gotten done recently and I realize I AM making progress with some parts that must be completed before I can get to the exciting stuff.

I re-read some works by forthright over the weekend and that was a delight. Go peek at her work! Sometimes, though, I read really well-written stuff that makes me think 'why the heck am I doing this again? My work isn't half as amazing as this!' and then I have to remind myself that I'm writing for me!

Create what makes you happy, even if it's not the next Mona Lisa.

update: july 10, 2020

just waitin' on a thing from someone and then I can post a new chapter or two. omg I'm just rabid to get done with writing some of these next necessary chapters so I can get to post some of the exciting plot twist / yikes / WTF chapters I've had written for literally years, like this one where this thing happens and then another one where this other thing happens and then like WHAT followed by whyyyyyy and—

(yeah I love my story it brings me such joy to work on it)

gotta say, all this at-home time has been a bit of a positive as a crazy/great incentive to get a ton of writing done

(I wonder if george rr martin is also taking the time to get some of his writing done...)

Update: July 8. 2020

Sorry, I rearranged and renamed older chapters of TBA... I really hope someone wasn't in the middle of the story and then suddenly it's like "what happened?"

also holy crap, I didn't realize it was 1) so stupid easy to post fixes on FFN, and 2) YIKES, all of Youko's tilde-surrounded lines were missing all their tildes... uh I think Quirky pointed it out in a review and I just really am appalled it was so bad.

also also, I ripped out most author's notes explaining my choices and my writing styles in the fic. what a bunch of junk. I really hate lengthy ANs.

Anyways, I'm about 10 or 11 chapters of past stuff before we're all caught up and quite a bit of it is written, and seeing the old stuff out of order has been driving me nuts. I really have to finish Shippo's 'required' stuff before I can do much more present postings, so sorry to all the 'prefer the crossover parts' people, it'll be worth the wait :) :) I mean, I think so because I'm like nightly squeeing about stuff I'm working on 9_9 at least one of us is having fun lol

The 'past stuff' is going to end up in the first half of the story, with all the 'present stuff' in the second half. If you get a notice for a new chapter and it's suddenly midway through the fic, that's why.

Update: June 30, 2020

I have three more chapters juuuust about ready to post, then the next few (#4 and #5) are still in a sort of halfway state, so hopefully I keep the momentum going because I'm super excited about upcoming post #6, and then super super excited about ... oh. (counting) #10 is a shocker lmao. after that we'll be stuck in the past for a bit until #17 rolls around, at which point I can stop swapping back and forth between timelines. 17 has a bit of 'previously, on days of our lives' built in so it's less like ??? when it arrives, but I might end up rearranging the earlier chapters (with better titles) once we finally get there to mostly group stuff chronologically and make it a bit easier to go back a chapter to see what had just happened.

originally I had written the arcs back and forth because I was impatient to get to the crossover stuff, but then I couldn't write TOO far ahead in the crossover due to missing pieces in the past, and so once we're all caught up it'll be much smoother sailing I CAN'T WAIT to finally share all this stuff :D

Update: June 26, 2020

Super excited to say I now have 36k words written for upcoming chapters.

I have to finish a bit more of the first draft for some connecting pieces before I can post more chapters, but it's making progress!

I'm thankful for all the time we're spending staying home right now. I could be playing a ton of video games but I really want to wrap this story someday.

Update: June 16, 2020

I really appreciate the reviews I've gotten. Thanks :)

had a bit of block, but interesting shower thoughts the other day popped up a solution to a problem I didn't realize I had and I'm back to hashing out some adventure points.

Teaser: upcoming chapters have the following working titles: 'burning' 'growth' 'unexpected company' 'the day death came to the valley' 'lost and found' (the other chapter titles are still more like section highlights right now so I won't say those lol)

I hope everyone is staying safe out there. Please wear your masks, even if you feel fine. Not all heroes wear capes.

Updated: May 29, 2020

Fun fact, I have at least 9 in-progress chapters coming up, totaling over 20k words currently waiting to be revised and posted. I'm doing my best to avoid distractions from video games and reading while I work on fleshing out more stuff that's coming up. (Peek at my twitter if you want, as I sometimes give vague updates as to what I'm writing.)

Updated: May 24, 2020

My profile needed some adjustment. Still writing. Got more on the way. SUPER EXCITED ABOUT WHERE THIS STORY IS GOING. Self isolation was a whole lot of Animal Crossing, then Terraria Journey's End, read a few books, and now I'm back at writing. my fingers are crossed I can get the next two or three chapters posted soon. So much has been written but I have to make sure I work out the kinks in my plot before I go crazy with it and dig myself into a hole and damnit I am pretty sure I need to split the past stuff from the present stuff into two separate fics but it's too far into the process now...

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

I'm a bit distressed to discover it's nearly been another year since I last posted. I've done a lot of personal writing and life has gone through more than a few ups and downs, but that's life, and time seems to fly faster and faster the older you get :/

About a week ago I started considering how I'll spend this vacation time I've accumulated, and realized a bit of writing on tBA would be a great use of time.

Updated: March 23, 2019

Fun times. I frequently regret leaving my work in a half-finished state, especially that others got to read the posted half and then rage that there wasn't more. For a decade. I suffer that experience often and am sad I managed to contribute to the disappointment. But here's the good news - I can't let it go and move on to other things yet.

More content is coming. My authoring style has changed a little. I've lost some notes on tBA, but also found notes I had lost since forgotten existed, and re-reading the fic and some of the newer content I'd been working on the other day was surprising because I definitely didn't remember writing some of it.

Leave me a note sometimes. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one enjoying my story. :) Granted, the most important part is that I'm enjoying this story, whether or not I share it with others LOL

Sad, there's so much to the adventure only I get to read right now because it's still in pieces... =_=;;

Updated: Dec 22, 2017

I. Have. New. Chapters. Written.

I’m skipping all around in my story trying to flesh out all the parts that need to happen between this beginning/middle portion where I left off and the intended destination. Current new (unposted) content is approximately 20,000 words, and I still have a lot to go, but I expect to post more soon with maybe a few tiny revisions to earlier chapters. Thanks for reading and sharing my love for fanfics

Updated: Sept 4, 2017

I found more of my missing notes for tBA! I think I have now located all of my stuff from the various places it was stored / stashed for the last ten years.

It was really neat to read over my old thoughts and ideas for the later portions of the story. I had a few potential endings in mind that I had totally forgotten about. I've been doing some re-reading and minor revisions as I prep for the next long haul. I will probably not post any of those revisions until the rest of the story-writing is well in hand (just in case I have to tweak some plot points to fit where I plan on having this thing go!). I still can't believe my last update to this story was so long ago.

I'm so sorry about that.

Updated: July 11, 2017.

I'm not dead. I still occasionally write for my own enjoyment, but I haven't finished or posted anything in a very, very long time. This might change soon. My last written work is unfortunately highly unsuitable for this site lol ...and The Blue Anshan needs attention.

Getting older. Got my degree. Don't use said degree, but have a pretty nice job regardless. (Now to pay off the ridiculous and somewhat pointless student loans)

Enjoying life. Divorced, remarried, etc etc. life happened/(s)! I'll write again soon.

Bug me on Xbox live or PSN or steam, I'm probably busy with a controller in my hand instead of writing. except during pandemic, writing seems more fun right now.

General Story Progress:

Wander It's currently marked as "Complete" but apparently I had been tossing around ideas for more. Who knows? I have no idea where the continuation notes might have gone and I'm not about to start looking for them while I'm in GO GO GO mode on my Anshan fic.

SatMW is done-ish. I have plans to add in a bit more at a later date, and maybe revise the premise a bit to help it fit better with the sequel, but the great thing about magic is that I can do whatever I want so I might be able to make this all fall into place even without revising a thing :)

The Blue Anshan, sequel to SatMW, is definitely back in full swing. I have so many upcoming chapters I'm super excited to share with my few readers. Action! Adventure! Character Death! Maybe Romance!

I also have a few original fics that I've been dabbling in over the last several years.

About me:

Living in Texas! 30-something years old, mother of two, and married twice. My oldest has watched more Inuyasha than I have (the series at least twice by now, thank you Hulu, and who-knows-how-many-times for the movies), and both of my kids have watched nearly the entire YYH series. I've barely seen one episode. I love the YYH boys tho, all because of a handful of really excellent fan-authors out there.

Graduated Academy of Art University sometime in my early thirties. You're never too old to learn.

brown hair. sometimes long, sometimes short.

I love coffee. :) I also drink a LOT of water. (Sip your unhealthy drinks to enjoy the flavor, and drink water if you're thirsty!)

I'm also very much obsessed with IY/YYH crossovers, and I hate the fact that I hunt around online HOPING that someone posted something new and interesting. It rarely happens, but still I search. It is the sole reason I try to write tBA, because I know I'm not the only one hungering for some x-over action between those series, and I'm determined to help contribute to a lacking source... (even if it isn't as good as some of those great ones that went on permanent hiatus before completion...) Ugh. UGH.

Liquid Story Binder FTW! Check out their 30 day trial... it's an amazing program. I use it to (attempt to) write.

Scrivener 3.0 Beta (windows) is my new go-to. Seems like it'll be worth the cash when beta ends. I'm loving it. I also make pretty extensive use of oneNote and iCloud notes so I can write on the go when random ideas strike. I use werdsmith on my phone for writing sometimes, but can't handle the idea of paying a monthly subscription to be able to use it on the PC.

Find me online:

I'm on Twitter, Facebook (once or twice a year probably doesn't count?), Steam, Xbox Live, PSN (sometimes?), Windows Live Messenger, and Gmail. Same user name.


Happy reading, and I love to get emails from my readers :)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Forbidden Romance by KibaSin reviews
A taste of what was never meant to be. A demon and a miko are placed together in many different ways within these prompts and contest entries. Hiei x Kagome Collection
Crossover - Inuyasha & Yu Yu Hakusho - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 21 - Words: 30,633 - Reviews: 113 - Favs: 218 - Follows: 142 - Updated: 8/10/2018 - Published: 10/4/2008 - [Kagome H., Hiei] - Complete
Knots in the Strings by Arella1 reviews
The scent drifting to him from her was tantalizing-a sweetly tart aroma that had him nearly closing his eyes to savor it. The tartness was from her spiritual powers and it added a zing to her scent that made Yuki wonder if he'd taste it, were he to lay his tongue on her skin. For a moment, he had the most surreal sense of Kagome belonging to him.
Crossover - Inuyasha & Fruits Basket - Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 29,327 - Reviews: 197 - Favs: 834 - Follows: 319 - Updated: 1/22/2016 - Published: 1/15/2016 - [Kagome H., Yuki S.] - Complete
Good Enough to Eat by ChaoticReverie reviews
The Western daiyoukai discovers that Kagome comes in a variety of appealing scents.
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 16,078 - Reviews: 444 - Favs: 1,406 - Follows: 468 - Updated: 9/3/2010 - Published: 8/15/2010 - Kagome H., Sesshōmaru - Complete
Midnight Moon by Uchiha B reviews
She was trying to escape her dark past, and live as a normal person. Unfortunately for Kagome, her dreams for a normal life is gone the instant she meets the Cullens. Twilight/Inuyasha xover
Crossover - Inuyasha & Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 43,594 - Reviews: 976 - Favs: 653 - Follows: 771 - Updated: 7/21/2010 - Published: 1/10/2009 - [Kagome H., Edward]
Embrace the Silence by TISL reviews
Silence is the voice of time, it speaks to you in a language without words. You must listen in order to hear it. You must watch in order to see it. You must be still in order to feel it. And then you must understand it if you wish to embrace it. SessxKag
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 146,241 - Reviews: 163 - Favs: 497 - Follows: 67 - Updated: 7/19/2010 - Published: 7/18/2010 - Kagome H., Sesshōmaru - Complete
Troved by forthright reviews
AU. Everyone knows that a hanyou comes from the union of a human and a youkai. In this case, the union of a human and a youkai is brought about by a hanyou. Sesshoumaru x Kagome. Valentine's Day Oneshot.
Inuyasha - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,863 - Reviews: 366 - Favs: 1,782 - Follows: 265 - Published: 2/14/2010 - Sesshōmaru, Kagome H. - Complete
Fits and Starts by ManonLeChat reviews
My collection of Inuyasha drabbles. All genres; multi-pairings. New drabbles!
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 22 - Words: 5,682 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 12/20/2009 - Published: 3/12/2006 - Complete
Unsought by forthright reviews
Naraku is dead. The Jewel is complete. The quest is over. Everyone is ready for their long awaited 'happily ever after', but Fate has one last twist in store. Sometimes the ending you find is not the one you were looking for. COMPLETE.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 106,482 - Reviews: 394 - Favs: 787 - Follows: 202 - Updated: 10/1/2009 - Published: 10/1/2007 - Miroku, Kagome H. - Complete
Carpe Diem by ancient-relic reviews
Just when Kagome thinks there is nothing left to forever, time finally decides to give a little back. ON HIATUS
Crossover - Inuyasha & Yu Yu Hakusho - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 10,216 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 56 - Updated: 6/28/2009 - Published: 3/30/2009 - Kagome H., Yusuke U.
Colours by Akari Kou reviews
Four years after returning to Earth, Hitomi's life has become a mess. A suicide attempt lands her under Van's custody once more, but before she achieves happiness she has to regain his trust as well as clear away obstacles from her own past. VH
Escaflowne - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 158,258 - Reviews: 465 - Favs: 281 - Follows: 169 - Updated: 11/23/2008 - Published: 7/1/2004 - Van F., Hitomi K.
A Rose and a Rumor by Cylinse reviews
IYxYYH With Naraku gone and only a few more Jewel shards left, Kagome finds herself wondering who will raise Shippo in her absence…
Anime X-overs - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,727 - Reviews: 153 - Favs: 220 - Follows: 146 - Updated: 6/18/2008 - Published: 2/14/2007 - Complete
A Ghost's Luck by Kitane reviews
In the process of helping a ghost leave modern day Tokyo, Kagome has to face a little-known ghost of her own. Consequently, one local demon decides that she just might be worth the effort. Kagome-Hiei. Oneshot.
Crossover - Inuyasha & Yu Yu Hakusho - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,571 - Reviews: 80 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 58 - Published: 1/18/2008 - Kagome H., Hiei - Complete
White Dogs: Perversity by Vertigone reviews
[SessKag] How could someone who spent so much time destroying now be someone who spent their time creating?
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 64,399 - Reviews: 731 - Favs: 700 - Follows: 359 - Updated: 11/26/2005 - Published: 2/20/2003 - Kagome H., Sesshōmaru
Eien Ni Nakunatta Shunkan by wicked-oni reviews
Nearly a decade has passed since the Shikon No Tama was split. After a violent, nearly fatal battle with Naraku, Sesshoumaru is left to ponder the value of keeping a weak, young human woman at his side. Primarily SessRin (some angst!); some InuyashaKagome
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 236,493 - Reviews: 589 - Favs: 510 - Follows: 256 - Updated: 9/18/2005 - Published: 2/22/2004 - Sesshōmaru, Rin
Picture me by Midoriko-sama reviews
Accidents are prone to happen in a difficult life. Disabilities are something a warrior cannot afford. But when the worst occurs, who will keep him from the despair of the blackness around him?
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 20,487 - Reviews: 190 - Favs: 480 - Follows: 48 - Published: 5/2/2004 - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Complete
Synthetic Emotions by Saro reviews
discontinued AU. Kagome reactivates a youkai that's been in storage for 50 years, only to find that it's hard to define life when machines can think and feel. Scifi
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 37 - Words: 83,513 - Reviews: 1388 - Favs: 796 - Follows: 238 - Updated: 10/21/2003 - Published: 2/3/2003
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Blue Anshan reviews
Sequel. Shippo's journey to learn more about himself leads to a discovery about his mother's disappearance. Kagome must travel to another realm to save the God Tree, but her movements in the Makai draw the attention of the Reikai. Many mistakes are made, but one of them might lead to fixing thing(s) that have been broken. Kag/Kur, Kag/H, Kag/?/?
Crossover - Inuyasha & Yu Yu Hakusho - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 45 - Words: 156,678 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 73 - Updated: 9/3 - Published: 10/16/2006 - Kagome H., Shippō, Hiei, Kurama M.
One Can Only Wander For So Long reviews
Complete! A mysterious ring that is more trouble than it seems. A 50year curse, broken by accident. Kagome and Inuyasha have been bound together by an outside force, and it is up to them to survive the odds. Warning: Chapters contain darker scenes!
Inuyasha - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 24 - Words: 124,097 - Reviews: 275 - Favs: 321 - Follows: 85 - Updated: 5/12/2011 - Published: 12/9/2003 - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Complete
Shippo and the Magic Wand reviews
Complete! Shippo finds something strange in the forest, and chaos in beauty ...and then further adventures in undoing said beauty!... ensues. Rated T for language and mild violence.
Inuyasha - Rated: T - English - Drama/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 54,632 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 10/16/2006 - Published: 8/23/2005 - Kagome H., Shippō - Complete