Author has written 2 stories for Star Fox. SO its been a while but I'm back, new story coming in thats a DIRECT sequel to Masters of War. It will be up in a matter of hours ROB http:///uploads/original/7/74798/1429066-so.jpg Marcus http:///fs71/i/2010/271/4/4/marcus_mccloud_design_by_yangsl-d2zjd1l.png Miyu http:///fs12/f/2006/298/1/6/06_10_Miyu_Ki.gif Bill grey http:///tumblr_log4k0wHK51qdiw63.jpg Fox http:///fs43/300W/f/2009/062/8/f/Fox_McCloud_Off_Duty_by_FoxPMcCloud.png Fox's Pistol http:///fs70/f/2010/350/6/2/futuristic_pistol_by_jakerobson_tull-d34zqr0.jpg James McCloud Krystal http:///fs5/i/2004/300/4/3/Krystal_Starfox_fanart_by_froggiechan.jpg Krystal's Pistol http:///_Dm4Xx59f6NM/TBfEyXftdVI/AAAAAAAAErc/Zyjx9TRejp8/s1600/ConceptPistolEranAshrafCGIDesigns.jpg Falco http:///fs70/i/2012/349/3/a/falco_lombardi_wallpaper_by_jecbrush-d5airsh.jpg Jason Patterson http:///_cb20120628020140/halo/images/f/fb/Halo_4_Spartan_IV_Armor_1.jpg Great Fox http:///_cb20071109033631/starfox/images/8/8a/Great_fox.jpg /Arbiter http:///halo/images/f/f5/Arbiter_Closeup_Apex.png Noble Six (before the game Halo Reach) http:///imgres?start=127&um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1081&bih=653&tbm=isch&tbnid=2SCryB9MywanoM:&imgrefurl=http:///photos/dscans/5453821168/&docid=27WqIB7j9cObtM&imgurl=http:///5294/5453821168_dab1091eb5_b.jpg&w=1024&h=733&ei=hCf-UKvVHOaziQLztoCIAg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=37&dur=1201&hovh=190&hovw=265&tx=131&ty=95&sig=103597609144111873461&page=6&tbnh=136&tbnw=206&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:32,s:100,i:100 Alright about me... Im in school i like starfox i like to write please review my work it helps a lot anything else? About me I do live in Cali, no not on the beach :( I am a surfer so which means yes i shop at holister I am a Macintosh user :) I am a Ferrari person, if it's not a Ferrari its not a sports car I LOVE racing Xbox 360 PS3 Gamer? Yeah a bit, mostly TF2, FPS's and racing In school, so my work my be shorter until June! Apple person, so yes i am anti-microsoft, except for the 360 I am white, but who cares, we are all people I like Star Fox and Halo. COD, eh not my thing |
Cpt.Fox (8) |