![]() Author has written 15 stories for Hetalia - Axis Powers, Gentlemen's Alliance Cross/紳士同盟†, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Hi there! I'm Escritoria. I'm a high schooler who lives in Texas. I love to write (obviously) and I recently got back into fanfiction!! I used to write a lot of Twilight fanfiction back in my dark days as a Twi-hard (no offense...I just outgrew obsession and it became a cool disinterest), but now I write all kinds. I write for fun, so I don't plan what I will write next--I just hope you enjoy what I have up here! I'm a Christian and I always will be!! I'm also kind of a goody-two-shoes, so there's no cussing and no explicit stuff in my fics. Sorry if that causes OOCness, but that's how my brain works, so I won't apologize for that part!! I'm a double nerd, because I love both anime and those ginormous books in the library that make you go "Holy crow who's reading the Bible??" xD I speak Spanish, but not natively. I'm also an unwilling Hetalia addict. -.- My wonderful friend recommended it to me and at first I hated it... But it's kind of sneaky in its addictiveness... So now I love it!! In a resentful kind of way xD Currently in progress is my PruCan/Franada fic, First Kiss Wins (which you should totally check out because I love writing it and that means it's good). I also have a prompts fic going one. When I finish First Kiss Wins, I'm going to be starting a series where I retell popular stories with Hetalia characters. I have plans for a Franada Beauty and the Beast, Mulan with fem!China and samurai!Japan, and Sealand x Liechtenstein Romeo and Juliet. There will be more fics in the future, probably Hetalia ones because that show has like absolutely no plot but is strangely addicting so I feel the need to create one for it. o.o Favorites!!! Books: Wheel of Time, The Hunger Games, Gregor the Overlander, The Kiesha'Ra, The Prophecy of the Sisters, For Darkness Shows the Stars, Flowers for Algernon, Hamlet, Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, Beastly, North of Beautiful, Epic...The list goes on and on!! Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, D. Gray-Man, Death Note, Angel Beats, Hetalia: Axis Powers, Ouran High School Host Club. I'll admit, I haven't seen much anime because I just recently got into it, but I'm never going back!! :D Movies: Tangled, Inception, Aladdin, Spirited Away, Beauty and the Beast, Prince of Persia, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Hoodwinked, Chronicles of Narnia, Howl's Moving Castle...Anything Disney!!! I love kid's movies cuz they're so cute!!! Characters: America from Hetalia (HE'S THE HERO), Mat Cauthon from Wheel of Time, Edward and Alphonse Elric from FMAB, Ren from Kaze No Stigma, the Hitachiin Twins from Ouran, Gawyn Trakand from Wheel of Time, Roy Mustang from FMAB, Quaigon Jinn from Star Wars, Frodo Baggins from LOTR, Egwene al'Vere from Wheel of Time, England from Hetalia, Kazuma from Kaze No Stigma... And usually the bad guys!!! :D If a villan is done really well, it just makes the whole storyline better!! Some of my all-time favorite villans are Envy from FMAB, Graendal, Moghedien, Lanfear, and Rahvin from Wheel of Time, Saruman from LOTR If you're looking for some great fics, check out Midnightsakurablossom, she's awesome (I've only read a few of her fics, but I love them!!). I also really liked Wave A Flag by bobness. It was hilarious!!! You should also check out Angel the Neko, who, aside from being an awesome writer, is one of the nicest and coolest people in cyberspace!! I hope you enjoy my fics!!! Thanks for reading!!! PS In case you were curious, escritoria is Spanish for "writing desk" but I use it for my pen name because my name's Tori and the word for "writer" in Spanish is escritora. So I thought it was a cute little pun, and I very much enjoy puns. :3 |