Author has written 4 stories for Star Wars, and Sherlock. Well, hello there, gentle reader. I'm a Swedish fangirl. I like fantasy, sci-fi, bad guys and the occasional splash of slash. I have a weak spot for OT3:s. This is actually my second profile. After writing quite a bit for a few years, I stumbled upon Darth Writer's Block almost a decado ago and... well, only now am I tenatively side-stepping him. In the meantime, the e-mail account I used for my older profile was deactivated, and I can no longer access my first profile. If you are terribly interested, go look for Queengoddess. Be warned, though, most of those older fic are un-beated, and English is not my first language. Fandoms, pairings and favourite characters (the ones I'm likely to write and/or read about): Sherlock; MorMor, Johmlock (yeah, that would be John/Moriarty/Sherlock all together in one big happy sandwich), Morcroft, Sheriarty. Basically, I just really like Jim Moriarty... Star Wars: I don't actually ship any SW pairings, but I love everything to do with Vaderkin - and I support Anakin/Padme, but I just don't... ship it as such. I'm particularly interested in Anakin's - platonic - relationship with Obi-Wan. And - oh! - the extremely rare pairing of Vader/Jix! That I do ship! Harry Potter: Drarry, baby! And I love Snape. I used to pair him up with Remus, back in the days before DH. Pirates of the Caribbean: Norrington. The very first slash pairing I ever shipped will always have a special place in my heart. Buffy: Spike rocks my heart like he's Sid Vicious. I ship Spangel, Spuffy, Buffy/Angel/Spike, Willow/Tara and Willow/Oz. And I think Spike/Andrew would make for a very cute crack!ship... Heroes: Depending on which season I'm watching, I'm all for Mylar or Sylaire. I used to ship Peter/Sylar but then it got squicky in season 3, and then it wasn't squicky after all, but it was already ruined for me... Now I'm a hardcore shipper of the two of them as BFF:s! Lost: I love Saywer, Ben and Miles! I used to Skate, as well as pair Sawyer up with Jack, or both Jack and Kate at the same time, but ever since season 5 I'm all for Suliet. Sawyer and Miles as BFF:s rock! As does platonic Hurley/Ben. Veronica Mars: Veronica/Logan. The Vampire Diaries (tv series): Damon and Caroline are my favourites, though I don't ship them together. Still haven't found the right match for Caroline (who amd I kidding? I ship her with me!). Damon/Elena/Stefan. OT3 FTW! And the bromance of Alaric and Damon is epic. A Song of Ice and Fire: I love Jaime, and I might be the only one who think Jaime/Daenerys would be a great ship. Sail, damn it! The Coldfire trilogy: Tarrant/Damien. I mean, it's really so very obvious... Make love, not ship wars! Reviews = loved. Concrit = welcomed. |