Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. Hello, Diehard Potterhead here, so all my stories are in the HP Fandom. The Marauders are my speciality. I like Oxford commas, em-dashes, adverbs, and run-on sentences. Working on it. My latest, "Just Another Coming of Age Story," has been in the works for a long time now. I'm experimenting with having flashbacks sprinkled across the timeline of Marauder seventh year onward. Please read it and let me know if you don't hate it! I do have another story in the works as well that I haven't touched for ages, "Renegade," which is Tonks-centric because I fucking love Tonks. Hopefully, I shall get to it soon. DISCLAIMER: I'm queer, my characters are often some form of queer, it is what it is. I play around with characters having non-conventional or queerplatonic relationships with one another (RL / SB alert), some degree of genderfluidity (Tonks), and my work is more platonic-centric than romance-centric (unless it's LE/JP, of course). I'm trying my best with Peter, lol. If you don't like it, move along and go about your wonderfully banal cishet life. I'm also POC and trying to be cognizant of the racial diversity of the characters. If you do stick around—read and review please. Very, very, very much appreciated. :) |
xxanglophilexx (26) |