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Joined 01-05-01, id: 34053
I left once, I'm leaving again. It's just too much. I've been working my butt off to comply with the rules here, and I've done it. I even put up censored versions of my adult work, and I HATE that! I'm ashamed now that I did it. And today came the final straw.

I had a little fic called Mine's Better Than Yours! It was a very silly Xenaverse story wherein a few of the characters argue over who has the best boy/girlfriend, and decide to hold a pageant to determine whose is best. I kept it R. It got a fair number of reviews, all positive.

Today I got an Administrative notice telling me that it was being removed because it was 'interactive'. Say what? It's a fiction done in the form of a script, with a character called 'Beloved Author' working as narrator. No where is ANY sort of reader input solicited. And none has been offered in any of the reviews.

"Okay," I said. "They were misled by the summary, or someone just glanced at it and reported it. I'll write them." I did. Damn, it's hard to find an email address that will take you to anyone who might do you any good. I finally went with the 'report abuse' email. I stated my case in a calm, non-judgemental manner, and asked for a response, and a review. I wasn't really holding my breath--I've heard dozens of stories about how they won't respond, except maybe to reitterate what they said. In other words, no chance of reconsidering. I sort of dared them to prove this negative image wrong.

A reader had pointed out some formatting errors on another story, so I thought I'd fix that. Couldn't do it. Tried numerous times. Imagine my surprise when I glanced below the upload box and saw that my account had been locked for a week.

That did it.

They locked me without reviewing, or giving me a chance to reply. And even this might not have tipped the scales, but it was for a BOGUS reason! Not only is the accusation false, but lord, if they wanted to at least SEEM like they had a legit reason, they could have pointed out some issues in the story. I intimate that Argo (a horse) molests Salmoneous (a human). And before you shake your finger at me, that sort of thing has been used numerous times in mainstream R rated moveis (Trading Places and the infamous guy-in-a-gorilla-costuem-locked-up-with-lovelorn-male-gorilla).

Any way, I've had it. I now don't care if they respond, or not. I'm taking EVERYTHING down, and I hope to heaven I have the integrity to stick to it this time.

For those of you who are in the middle of stories--I'm sorry. Also, do not dispare. you can find anything (and more) that would have shown up here on my website (URL in profile). I might also recommend . Similar layout, no stick up the fundement. Once again, sorry, and come see me at my place.