Author has written 3 stories for Supernatural. User name used to be SamXDeanX4eva but I had to change it due to problems of a personal nature! I used to be on fanfiction a long time ago and write a lot of Lord of the Rings stories but lost touch with it when I went to college. After discovering supernatural however my love of wincest has inspired me to start writing again! I write multi-chap fics I am not a huge fan of one shots. If anyone knows good multi-chap wincest fics let me know! They are hard to find! I write to contribute to the wincest world out there so reviews are wonderful! If I think no one is reading I tend to stop writing lol :) I am among those who believe Sam and Dean are soul-mates so I don't really write any other pairings sorry Dean and Cas fans! Each story I write has a song I listen to literally on repeat the entire time I write them, it puts me in the mood for the fic: Of Love and Lust: Die For You by Megan McCauley (listen to it, the lyrics are so Sam and Dean) The Diary of Dean Winchester: None so far but the story would be better and updates would be faster if I could just find one! I'll Burn This Whole World Down: Had Enough by Breaking Benjamin (The title is actually a line from that song) ALSO go listen to the song 'Haunted' by Kelly Clarkson, this is such a perfect song for how Dean felt when Sam left for Stanford!!!! |