Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. I do not write any longer, but I do come back every odd year to read. I know I have a lot of unfinished work here and have been terribly unfair to those of you that are still following me... My writing style is so drastically different now that I don't even know where to begin updating. :( I would probably need to rewrite a lot of things and this has indeed been on my mind... In any case, I hope you're all well and if you want to chat about anything at all, PM me! :) thank you x Past updates: I've kept myself busy at this place: here. Feb 20/07: After a year of nothing, I have managed to write a one-shot of Regulus and Sirius. Many thanks once again. This may or may not mark my return. We'll see. =) Feb 14/06: After what seemed like years of nothing from me, I've finally mustered the motivation to write Chapter 5 of A One Time Thing. Thank you for all your patience and time. You're all too wonderful. =) icemint- I am a suffering student. icemint on - p.s. I'm still searching for 'Not One to Share' by SophieGrace and also works by CherryBlood. I know it's been years. Humour me. O_o! |