Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Naruto. I'm not dead! It's been three years of inactivity (BAD ME!) but I'm finally back and updating like a crazy person! Works in Progress: Aijou: Aijou is on hold for the moment, though hopefully not for too long. I am twisting the plotline to hold as much from Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows as possible, and though Naruto is still ongoing I'm holidng out till we find out what happens to Sasuke later before writing anymore. I've replanned it all in my head so far taking the last two books and the most current manga chapters into account and I think it's looking a lot better than before, and should hopefully be up and running again soon. Veneratio: Dark!Harry, Harry in Azkaban fic. Being completely redone, the first chapter has finally been posted and the second shall be on its way soon. This is going to be my longest fic. Darker Destiny: Dark!Harry. Planned and probably going to be the most regularly updated; I know everything that's going to happen already, and information from the last two books is being taken into account though this will only result in minor changes to he originally planned plotline. Links of Great Importance (to me at least)Karthul Floorplan: http:///albums/v338/Erishon/untitledwww.jpg A floorplan of Karhtul, the city Harry is heir to in the Darker Destiny series. I made this for myself to work out a few things so it's not very informative, but it might give an idea as to the structure of the city itself. Despite the fact that the picture is rather tiny bear in mind the tower itself is behemothic (bigger than Hogwarts I'd reckon). Quartus Alleys: http:///albums/v338/Erishon/alleys2.gif An overhead plan of the entire Quartus Alleys. This image is being updated all the time so it'll change as I add things to the Alleys with the story. Erishon This Profile was last updated: 13 May 2008 |