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![]() Author has written 51 stories for Harry Potter, Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, X-Men: Evolution, Hetalia - Axis Powers, Avatar: Last Airbender, Supernatural, Regular Show, Warriors, Victorious, One Piece, and Fullmetal Alchemist. ABOUT ME: Hmm...I've never been very good at these things. There's just not much about me that people should know, I guess. Which is probably for the best anyways. It's not like people actually look at these profiles for info about the writer. I know I only come here for quotes, more stories, and maybe a copy-paste if I'm particularly bored. I do, however, feel the need to point out that I'm not a 'newbie' to this site. I've actually been a writer on Fanfiction for over five years. I just felt the need for a new account so that my old work wouldn't taint my new work. This new work is most likely going to come in large sporadic updates. As my old account is actually still up and running, and will remain running until all the stories on it have been completed, and I have a pathetic little life outside of the computer, I won't be focusing solely on these stories. I will also end up running several stories at once and not updating them evenly. Just a warning for you all ahead of time. My goal is to eventually have a forum for the Avengers up and running on this site. It will be a challenge/contest forum. Why? Because those people are severly underloved. There is so much that can be done with them, all of them, and yet no one here seems to be able to see that. Especially not when it comes to the endless amount of pairings you could create. It's sort of sad, really. Once it's up, I hope to see some of my readers (if I have any) on it! Also, I feel it necissary to point out that I'm a female. My old account was constantly being confused for one run be a man, which was annoying beyond belief. So I'm going to throw that out there now. Again, if anyone is really taking the time to read this thing. QUOTES, AS I SEE FIT: Men aren't worth your tears and the one who is won't make you cry. - unknown I am a pink flamingo on the great lawn of life. - unknown Don't take life too seriously, it's not like you're getting out alive. - unknown "Women are like teabags, you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells."- unknown A friend shares the good times and helps out by listening during the bad times." - Molly Oliver "Don't pity the girl with one true friend. Envy her. Pity the girl with just a thousand acquaintances." - Katie Obenchain "A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" - unkown FORUMS: Writing Junkie Forum (http://forum.fanfiction.ws/forum/Writing_Junkie/100566) - In this forum, which I co-created, you can come and post/recieve challenges. There are sections for roleplaying, for discussing stories or life in general, and for posting challenges other people can take; for any fandom, genre, and rating. And what is a challenge? Well, in simple terms, it is a posting in which you give someone guidelines for a story and they take up the challenge to write it for you. Fun, no? MEMBERS - MidnightNimh (moderator, co-creator), LancesInMyHeart (standard member), No Time To Cry (moderator), and myself (moderator, co-creator) xx-xx-xx-xx The Aristocratic Review Society ( http://www.fanfiction.ws/forum/The_Aristocratic_Review_Society/106721/) - This forum is soley dedicated to correcting reveiws and spreading the joy of stories. There is a section to ask for critique on stories, offering others reviews fitting the criteria that this forum insists on, and small review-based challenges. It's purpose is to help everyone, help others. MEMBERS - Myself (creator), MidnightNimh (standard member) xx-xx-xx-xx Warriors Challenge Forum (http://forum.fanfiction.ws/forum/Warriors_Challenge_Forum/106930/) - UPCOMING STORIES - warriors - Loyal To The End - Loyalty has always come easy for Blackeyes. He has always been able to make the right choices. He has always been able to protect his clan. He has always been able to be proud of his family. But, one day, all of that changes. One day, he has to choose between being loyal to his clan or being loyal to his kin. Die Young - To live as a warrior is to die young. Every cat in Thunderclan knows this. Every cat accepts it - because this is how it has always been. Browndapple just cannot stand the thought that, most likely, her kit will die before she does. So, when the worst happens, it is up to one cat to stop the pieces from falling apart. PAIRINGS: OTPS - X-MEN - Kitty/Lance, Pietro/Evan, Amara/Tabby, Johnny/Jamie, Todd/Kurt, Bobby/Rahne. METALOCALYPSE - Toki/Nathan, Murderface/Pickles. NARUTO - Kiba/Kankurou, Kakashi/Iruka, Shikamaru/Chouji, Tsunade/Jiraiya, Neji/Hinata, Tenten/Rock Lee. HETALIA - Finland/Sweden, Poland/Lithuania, America/S. Korea, Japan/Greece, England/France, Russia/China, Germany/Italy, Canada/Prussia. AVENGERS - Hulk/Clint, Steve/Tony, Pepper/Natasha, Loki/Thor. OTHER PAIRINGS THAT I ADORE- X-MEN - Tabby/Ray, Ray/Jamie, Lance/Pietro, Todd/Lance, Todd/Pietro, Rahne/Jaime, Kurt/Logan, Kitty/Amara, Jean/Amara, Bobby/Johnny METALOCALYPSE - Nathan/Pickles, Pickles/Skwisgaar, Toki/Skwisgaar, Murderface/Toki, Nathan/Skwisgaar, Nathan/Murderface (are you all seeing a theme here, yet?) HETALIA - Lithuania/America, America/Canada, America/England, Romano/Germany/Italy, China/S. Korea, Greece/Turkey, Turkey/Egypt, Canada/Anyone (but especially Turkey, Russia, and, uh, anyone else). I will pair everyone with everyone EXCEPT Finland/Sweden. AVENGERS - Clint/Bruce, Loki/Tony, Tony/Pepper, Tony/Clint FAVORITE CROSS-OVER PAIRINGS - Yusuke(yu yu hakusho)/Zexion (kingdom hearts), Draco(harry potter)/Canada (hetalia), Draco(harry potter)/Poland(hetalia) |