Author has written 19 stories for Angel, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-Files, One Tree Hill, CSI: New York, Bones, Ugly Betty, and Fringe. Well I've been a member since 2002, which is shocking that it's taken me this long to actually write a profile. I know I have a tendency to lean towards procrastination, but even for me this is pushing it. My name is Mel, and my fan fictions which, to start off with were usually on the fluffy side, have lately taken on a more serious, find-the-hidden-meaning-behind-character's-thoughts-and-actions twist. Currently this has me writing about moments when the show, has left it up to your imagination. I tend to look back at stories I wrote years ago and cringe at the idealism behind them, not to say I have completely removed that from my writing. It's just not as in your face. But I think as you write, you learn what works for you, and you start to develop your own style, one that is uniquely yours. And if you're good enough, people will read your stories and recognise them as yours, the way you describe your characters and surroundings, their thoughts and feelings. The way you string a sentence together, or the way you flow through a story. I'm the kind of writer, who finds a ship and sticks with it, which I think helps when capturing the characters. Knowing them well enough to describe them and the situations they are in, makes it more believable for the reader. One thing that puts me off reading a story is when, authors haven't captured the characters. You have the idea of them in your head, you watch them on TV, but if that character doesn't match up, it's just hard to imagine them doing whatever it is they are doing in your story. The other thing that puts me off, and I try not to do this myself, is authors who don't read through their work. There will always be the odd typo, grammar or spelling mistake, which is understandable. But when you read a story that stops and starts, you spend more time trying to work out what's being said, and your attention is taken away from the narrative. With that said, I believe everyone should post their stories, the only way we can learn is by listening to others. You may not agree with their opinions, and the bad may stay with you more than the good, but usually these are few and far between. The important thing to remember is, if they are reviewing your story, it has affected them. |