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Joined 08-06-11, id: 3136395, Profile Updated: 02-01-14
Author has written 3 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and Star Wars.



Hello, I am CarnivorousBookworm25 (CB or CB25, for short).

I was born, raised, and currently reside in the state of Alabama, since October of (sorry, don't ask for the date and year), and I am a male Scorpio. I am honest, quite literally, to a fault. I can be hyper-literal, and rub people the wrong way – and vice-versa. I a, but dry, sense of humor, and most definitely leads to misunderstandings (has happened on here more than one). I lack self-confidence, but have a compulsive (not obsessive) personality, which pushes onward – despite my misgivings.

I enjoy pondering things, asking random questions (at random times), surfing the web, researching books (particularly background related information), and college football (I am a Crimson Tide fan, by the way). But first, and foremost, I love to read, and do so, as often as possible – whether that means picking up a new book/series, or simply re-reading some of my favorite stories.

How I Came To Be On FanFiction

As you can see, (from above) I have been on FanFiction for awhile (but nowhere near as long as some). I originally came across this site, while searching for an early chapter release for Rick Riordan's, then upcoming book, The Son of Neptune. I had several reasons for Googling for those early chapters.

-1.) I was really looking forward to reading the book.

-2.) Reading had become a very expensive hobby, and I needed to find something else to occupy part of my day (I can, and will, read 500 pages per day – if I have the time).

Instead of finding those chapters, I found several different versions of The Son of Neptune, all written, submitted, and posted on this wonderful site.

I would like to say that I became an avid reader of the numerous FanFics, available, but sadly that would be a lie (Even now, I rarely read Fanfics). Shortly after discovering the site, and about four or five SoN fics I liked, I just as quickly discovered how few of these fabulous stories, actually reached completion – answer, not many. Once more frustrated, I swapped gears, again, and I began heavily researching Greek Mythology.

The initial reasons were innocent enough, I like ancient mythology – in general – and if I couldn't read The Son of Neptune, I could at least try to figure out what the storyline would be. So, for several hours per day – everyday – for three weeks straight, I immersed myself with the world and culture of ancient Greece. Over the interceding time frame, I began to formulate a potential plot, involving: Percy Jackson, Reyna Barnes (last name assigned by me), and Gwendolyn Hudson (again, assigned by me) – along with the other characters Jason mentions at the end of The Lost Hero.

This plot, led to another change. I came to the conclusion, "A plot is no good without a book." That's when – for fun – I began writing my own SoN. Interestingly enough, I did this, with the intention of keeping the story a secret. I'm glad the plan didn't work out. After about seven chapters, I really liked what I had written (grammar excepted), and I began wanting to see if others would, as well (I also didn't just enjoy my writing; I came to realize, I loved the very act of writing).

I posted my first chapter, and the rest would become history (for me, at least). The support I received, absolutely, floored me. What had started out as an itch (born from curiosity), turned into a spark, which ignited a flame...that flame has now become a blazing fire.


I have recently re-enrolled in college. I am going to dedicate myself to a writing-intensive curriculum. I hope to eventually become an author. Barring that, I want to be involved with the book industry; perhaps by becoming a publisher, editor, or graphic designer. And I owe it to my best-friend placing a book – the first of an excellent series – in my hands, and this site, and its readers.

Stories I Have Written or Plan to Write

Heroes of Olympus based stories:

Original Creator: Rick Riordan

The Son of Neptune - Complete

The Shadow of Erebus (Mark of Athena) - Ongoing

The Seven Hills of Rome (House of Hades) - To be Written

The Gates of Olympus (The Blood of Olympus) - To be Written (Conclusion)

Star Wars based stories:

Original Creator: George Lucas

Star Wars Series Zero – Ep. 1: Rule of the Sith - To be written (Research in progress)

Star Wars Series Zero – Ep. 2: (TBD)

What I Hope to Find on FanFiction

I enjoy being told hold how good my story(s), how much a person likes it/them, bu I'm looking for critical opinion (be it in the form of reviews or PMs). Constructive criticism is the best thing I can receive. It forces me to reevaluate my writing, by pointing out flaws and impossibilities, helping me to improve and grow, as a writer.

I also wouldn't mind finding/making a few friends, with whom I share a common interest – reading and writing. (One found and hopefully counting.)

Things I've Learned About Writing – Since Joining FanFiction

Humor is like can sprinkle it on anything. (Just remember to use in moderation.)

There are three versions of characters, in stories:

1.) Shadows: Flat – People with names and little else.

2.) Paintings: 2-D – People with names, faces, and a twinge of personality.

3.) Statues: 3-D – People with names, faces, and a personality (achieved over course of series).

Pace is like running cross-country...there is walking, jogging, and the occasional sprint.

Research, research, research... (Also to be used in moderation.)

Plot-holes might not be plot-holes, just foreshadowing disguised as mud-puddles.

Books/Series I Own (with recommendations):

The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien (Recommended)

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien (Recommended)

The Sword of Truth Series - Terry Goodkind (Recommended - Older Readers)

The Dresden Files (Ongoing) - Jim Butcher (Recommended - Older Readers)

The Codex Alera - Jim Butcher (Recommended - Older Readers)

The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini (Recommended)

Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling (Recommended - Obviously)

Beyonders - Brandon Mull (Recommended)

Percy Jackson & the Olympians - Rick Riordan (Recommended)

Heroes of Olympus (Ongoing) - Rick Riordan (Recommended)

Rangers Apprentice - John Flanagan (Recommended)

Brotherband Chronicles (Ongoing) - John Flanagan (Recommended)

Enders Game - Orson Scott Card (Recommended)

Lorien Legacies (Ongoing) - Pittacus Lore (Recommended)

The Kane Chronicles - Rick Riordan

Cirque Du Freak Series - Darren Shan

Earth Children Series - Jean M. Auel (Older Readers)

EarthSea - Ursala K. LeGuin

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins

Dune - Frank Herbert

The Twilight Reign - Tom Lloyd

(Your Recommendations Here)


There is little more, I can think to add – at this time. I hope you consider reading my stories, but above all, I hope you enjoy reading them. If you have any questions, suggestions, requests, or polite disagreements (most likely involving my books/recommendation list), feel free to message me.

Thank you, for dropping by. Have a good day/night.

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All because of one simple request, Percy's whole world has been ripped from him. He hasn't been seen by anyone at Camp Half Blood in three years, and no one, not even Percy, knows what truly happened. Or do they? Will Annabeth get to the bottom of everything before it's too late? Where has Percy been? Who's he working for? Mystery, adventure, and romance! Read on! Post-TLO, no HoO.
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Rule of the Sith
1000 years before the destruction of the Death Star. The galaxy was fractured. With hyperdrive in its infancy, the known galaxy was presided over by powerful sorcerers known as Sith. Where these Dark Lords ruled misery and misfortune reined, enforced by their armies of Jedi Knights. However, on the distant planet Ossus, one boy was about to meet destiny and change a galaxy's fate.
Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 4,230 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 2/29/2016 - Published: 2/26/2016
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For more than a century, the two children of the gods have been kept apart. Now the greatest foes the gods have ever faced, again walk the Earth. Prophecy calls for the seven greatest heroes to defend Olympus. Now, both camps must come together to stand against their common foe. Two prophecies have begun to converge, bringing the rivals together once more. (Mark of Athena Timeline)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Fantasy - Chapters: 20 - Words: 59,037 - Reviews: 33 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 51 - Updated: 2/2/2014 - Published: 9/28/2012 - Annabeth C., Gwen
The Son of Neptune reviews
Alone, confused, his past erased, a lone hero must find a place amongst a family, lost. Surrounded by enemies, confronted by rivals, bound by rules, our hero, accompanied by friend and foe, must, at prophecy's urging, voyage across two oceans, part long sealed gates, uncover the secrets of his past while surviving the dangers of his present, all in search of... (R&R plz)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 51 - Words: 114,099 - Reviews: 123 - Favs: 191 - Follows: 145 - Updated: 9/28/2012 - Published: 8/8/2011 - Percy J., Gwen, Reyna R. - Complete