![]() Author has written 22 stories for Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, Misfits, 2009, Sherlock, Thor, Sleepy Hollow, and Supernatural. Thank you for visiting my profileeeee 11/6/14: I just joined tumblr (), I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO WORK IT, if anyone wants to help me. There's not much to say! I'm a college student who likes writing, and may want to pursue it as a career. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated -- I try very hard not to make my plots or OCs contrived or formulaic, so any feedback regarding these two things is golden. I tend to go along with my fandoms' story-lines for the most part, but I'm not big into the whole 'adding an OC in and transcribing entire episodes word-for-word' thing. If you're reading, odds are you've already seen the show and don't need me to recount it for you. Sometimes I'll go along with exact episodes when I have to, but I try not to, and for the most part my stories are woven into the universe during times that are either running parallel or unaccounted for. All my stories are pretty different from one another, as are my OCs, and my writing style varies from story to story (and even sometimes chapter to chapter) because I'm a mess and trying to settle on something that feels right. My most recent stuff is Supernatural/Sleepy Hollow-related, though I admit I am horrifically late to the Supernatural party - I started watching 9 years after the first episode aired, which is pathetic, really. I'm a big fan of supernatural shows and the 'asshole-with-a-heart' male archetype, both in writing and in life (it is a curse). MULTI-CHAPTER STORIES -In Progress- Hallowed Ground (Sleepy Hollow) Chasing Twisters (Sleepy Hollow) He's My Brother (Supernatural) Life in the Fast Lane (Supernatural) -Complete- Fast Times at Beacon Hills High (Teen Wolf) Life's Great Lie (Thor) Turn the Page (Supernatural) The Sound of Silence (Supernatural) -On Hiatus/Incomplete- Fast Times at Beacon Hills High 2 (Teen Wolf): I hate to say this, but I feel like this story has been abandoned, and so too has my resolve to write it. Also, I'm really unhappy with the direction the show has taken, which adds to my reluctance about continuing it. This may change, though, and I don't want to say I've given it up completely because I'm super attached to Amy (my first OC ever!). No Church in the Wild (Teen Wolf): The circumstances are the same as above. Immaturity at Its Finest (Misfits): I probably won't ever finish it :'( Inspiration is a fickle thing. The fact that this is unfinished is bothering me immensely and I may go back and just end it where it could be appropriate. Now, onto an overload of links... Things [amazing, wonderful, perfect, etc.] people have made for me: Check out these amazing banners by Choco23Symphony, SamiLynn23, and Kali-Wolfchilde! They are fantastic! Also I made one of them too... Banners by Lycan Lover 411: http:///albums/z440/xxWEREWOLFLOVERxx/Story/FastTimesatBeaconHillsHigh.jpg?t=1351909244 http:///albums/z440/xxWEREWOLFLOVERxx/Story/NoChurchInTheWild.jpg?t=1351909429 Fanmix for Fast Times by Jedi-Princess Knight: /#!playlist/FastTimesAtBeaconHillsHigh/76052368 FRENCH version of Immaturity at Its Finest: L'immaturite dans toute sa splendeur Character profiles: Amy (Amelia) Bell -Played by the lovely Kaya Scodelario -Age: 18 -Family includes Ian Bell (Evan Peters), brother, and their two parents -Bubbly, a bit annoying at times, immature, occasionally selfish, and generally happy-go-lucky, Amy puts her friends above everything else, sometimes to a fault. She loves her family but is a tad rebellious, causing some trouble. She is fiercely loyal to those she loves, but sometimes struggles to see the big picture in favor of focusing on petty dilemmas. She has some growing up to do. -Likes: partying, doing well in school without putting in the effort, watching trashy television, being a typical teenage girl -Dislikes: overbearing parents, focusing on difficult tasks, being teased, white iPhones -Fun fact: ages 5-14, she was dead-set on becoming an archaeologist Marnie Marino -Played by Alexandra Daddario -Age: 23 -Family includes her mother, stepfather, absent father, and baby brother -Snarky, jaded, and energetic, Marnie is used to cleaning up other people's messes, but that doesn't mean she likes it. -Likes: cheap wine, joy-rides, sneaking into movies -Dislikes: stupid people -Fun fact: staunchly refuses to watch Titanic Persephone -Played by Eva Green -Age: N/A -Family includes Demeter, mother, and Zeus, father, plus a whole boatload of half-siblings -Kind, gentle, and naive, Persephone just wanted to live a simple life before she was sucked into her family's political agenda. Being royalty, she was raised to be demure, and generally adheres to the principles of her upbringing; however, she does have a more impassioned streak when provoked. -Likes: anything purple, pomegranates, reading, children -Dislikes: having no control over her life, being easily swayed by other people's influence, being overly emotional -Fun fact: she's always been afraid of the dark Claire Shurley -Played by Deborah Ann Woll --Claire in Turn the Page/part 1 of The Sound of Silence and bonus, how she looks when Dean first meets her. --Claire in part 2 of The Sound of Silence. -Age: 25-29 -Family includes her two younger brothers, Ryan (played by Jamie Dornan) and Charlie (played by Cameron Monaghan), and her parents, Vivian (played by Julianne Nicholson) and Patrick (played by Peter Gallagher). (This can get spoilery so I'm going to stop here) -Spunky, creative, and clever, Claire was an extremely happy person before tragedy struck her family. She's still pretty peppy, but has been taken down a notch since her life diverted so obscenely from the path she envisioned it taking. She's an optimist at heart and trusts easily. -Likes: The Rolling Stones, psychoanalyzing people, giving advice, pretending to eat healthily, the smell of gasoline -Dislikes: cold weather, nail-biting, taking a nap and waking up disoriented, people ignoring her/working in the service industry -Fun fact: she was a cheerleader in high school |