![]() Author has written 3 stories for Legacy of Kain, Oddworld, and Nightwing. Hi everyone! My name is Gene. I'm in my twenties. I'm a lawyer (yeah, I know, it's a 'very' creative profession...), a metalhead (music has always been my strongest passion and I even used to play in a band) and a reader and writer of fanfics (although 'writer' is a pretty strong word, cuz I've just started writing my second one and it's far from being complete yet... but still). I love certain video games but I play them rarely and when I do I mostly prefer old ones like LoK, Dungeon Keeper, Spellforce, StarCraft etc. I'm also fond of comic-books and superheroes. My favorite are Batman, Superman, Spider-man, X-Men, Spawn and many others. What else? I write my fics in English even though it's not my first language (don't ask me why I do this, just consider this my 'bee in the bonnet'). I know German as well, but again, when it comes to writing, I prefer English. I guess that's all. And just as the common cliché goes I can't help but say: please, read and review my stores. It really is important for the progress of my work and for me personally. And big thanks in advance to everyone who reads and supports me (even when only morally)! It means a lot to me) My writing plans Nightwing Extreme What can I say? Another new challenge and another fresh start. This time it's not a novelization of a video game, but a more ambitious project which will combine influences from comic-books, novels, movies, cartoons and, of course, video games as well lol. Hard to tell how it's going to work out, but at least it's intriguing. Expecting more reviews than there's been so far to the two other stories. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee: So, it appears that my idea of novelizing Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee has proved a disaster as well if the number of reviews I received is any indication. Not sure what exactly I'm doing wrong, but it's kinda hard to figure this out when there's hardly any feedback to give you some hints. Anyway, seeing how little attention the story is getting, I'm afraid I'll have to put it oh hold for a while. Not sure yet if I'm gonna get back to it any time soon, but right now I have other more promising projects at hand. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver: Well, it's time to announce that Book II of my SR-novelization (the current book) is approaching its end. There might be two or maybe 3 installments left before it's over. Sadly, since the situation with reviews hasn't improved one single bit since the last time I brought up this issue, I'm seriously thinking about putting a full stop after finishing this Book. Don't wanna sound self-centered here, but, in my opinion, 25 chapters 180 000 words long deserve better than just 65 reviews, half of which were left by 2-3 loyal followers. I know that my take on novelization of SR is far from perfect and many readers think they could have done it much better if they were me, but I've been working on this story for almost 3 years already and I've been busting my ass to improve both my language and my writing skills and make this novelization as awesome as possible. Although I still don't know the exact reasons for the recent decline in reviews, if the majority feels that I failed to live up to their expectations with this novelization, then maybe quitting really is the most reasonable option now. |