Author has written 1 story for War Horse. Hello Readers and Visitors, I'm soccerfied, because I really love soccer and have played it for about thirteen to fourteen years. It's a big part of my life and always will be even after I'm done playing. If your into soccer or futbol than you might know Manchester United, LA Galaxy, and Real Madrid just a few of the professional teams I like. Other than soccer I really like to watch movies, hang out with friends, run track, and write. I'm going to be a senior in high school this upcoming year. I'm very excited and looking forward to applying for college soon as well. I just took a class called Creative Writing at my high school and think it's helped me a lot to improve upon my own writing skills and further them. I plan to keep writing a lot of stories for fun and hopefully one day, as my goal, just get one book published. Not even main stream, although that would be nice but just have a book that I wrote good enough to publish. For that reason I really do appreciate any and all reviews, as well as tips or constructive criticism. If you give a review to any of my stories, first off thank you, and second I'd be glad to give you one back! Just post your story title in your review and I'll be sure to give it a look. :) If you have any questions for me or want help, just private message me or ask in a review. I'm also open to helping read over stories to correct them or act as a second pair of eyes. My other account of FictionPress is under the same name - soccerfied. Thanks again for visiting my profile! Below I will be posting a summary of each of my stories as well as the status and anything new to come. |