Author has written 9 stories for Sons of Anarchy, and Supernatural. I only recently discovered fan fiction and I have decided I love it (well some of it, I mean you kinda got to dig through some garbage to find the really great ones) but it is always worth it. Happy Kind of Life was my first fan fiction, written for SOA and I wrote it under a very stressed deadline and when I re read it, I see a lot I would have changed. I am a bit obsessed with Wincest, I always thought it would ick me out, but after reading it, I see how it could happen. I haven't watched the first episode of Season 7 yet, it will be my first time watching SPN after reading Wincest, I have a feeling I will have a dirty mind the whole way through LOL The best part of writing fan fiction is that you aren't having to make up the characters so it makes writing easier and more fun. I have a couple of stories in the works right now but I also go to school, have my own business and a child so they get updated as I find the time. I have been writing my whole life, and I am currently trying to write a six novel series in the hopes that I will eventually be able to write for a living and no longer ever get out of my pajamas. Its a small dream...but its mine! I am a huge Tommy Flanagan fan and have been for years, hence my author name. I am also a Sam girl, although not until Season 3 actually. I would not kick Dean out of bed for eating crackers either though (would anyone, really?) I am not big on Castiel slash mainly because I don't find him that sexy (although my 11 year old thinks hes hot, I just don't see it) My favorite stories are ones where Sam and Dean are AU and not brothers, because these two guys for me, on several different levels! Thats me, in a nutshell...Or maybe this is me in a nutshell "Help I am trapped in this big bloody nutshell" Wow, I apologize for such a lame Austin Powers reference! |
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