![]() Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hello, my name is DeAnna Loraine. I am 16 years old, with 6 children. I have two sons, Charlie (4) and Riley (3), twin daughters Lily and Ivy (1 and a half), and twins Sirius and Evanna (3 weeks old). I grew up in a large family, I have 13 brothers, and one sister. Girls really don't run in my family, my father had all brothers and so did my mother. Twins run in my family and there are only two of my sibilings that do not have a twin. My mother was 14 when she met my father. My mom and dad got married right out of high school and within a year of their marriage, my oldest sister was born. However my dad is not my biological dad, that would have to be my Papa. My mother concieved me and my twin during an affair. My Papa and Nana are my saving grace to be honest. Michelle- She was born first, and she and I were never very close. Regardless of being the only two girls. She has been a nightmare since I had my first child. She has tried to get me to give her custody of them since Charlie was two days old. Seen as how that could never help our relationship, we don't talk or even live in the same state anymore. She is 39 now. Daniel- Daniel was my favorite older brother. Daniel died at the age of nineteen. When I was eleven he was murdered right in front of me. He was the older brother everyone wishes they had. He would take us out on weekends, and never complained about watching us when our parents at night or for the weekends. Daniel was the kind of person who, if you dropped your books in the hallway he would stop and pick them up with you. Darnelle- Darnelle is half of a set of twins. He is 25 and still acts like he was nine. I love the way he can always find the happiness even when nobody else can. He was the one who made me laugh after Daniel died. Of course it was not until four years later. Darnelle is my rock. Darelle- Darelle is Darnelle's twin. He is much like Darnelle, but he is more mature than he is. Darelle is very caring and loving. He does not like to express his feeling very well so I usually have to go to him. DeAnna Loraine- Yep thats me! I have a twin who is 3/5 minutes younger than I am. We were both a result of an affair. Damen and I defy the rules of being a twin by the fact that we can not stand each other. Damen- Damen is my twin. He is also nineteen, obviously. He is no close to me and it really does not matter to me. I do not want him around when he acts like a 2 year old retard. Dale- Dale would be 14 in September, however, he passed away from cancer about a year and a half ago. Dale passed just before he graduated from college. Dale and the next three of my brothers all graduated from high school, Even though they are all a year apart from each other. Dason- He is very much like Damen and is very caring and loving. He is very cautious with trusting people. The only people he trusts completely is our family, and only them. Dana- He is very, very fun loving and carefree. He and Dani (his twin) remind me very much of Fred and George Weasley. That is always the way I see them. Dani- Dani is Dana's twin and just like Dana. However, just like the Weasley twins, Dani is more sensitive than Dana. We joke with them and tell them that if they were in the Harry Potter series that Dana would be the twin that died (which devastated me when Fred died). Shane- Shane is two years older than me, and like me and Damen is a result of an affair. Shane has to be one of my best friends. Mike- Mike is only one year younger than Shane and one year older then me. Mike is also a result of an affair. He is Shane's full brother. Harold- Harold is a year younger than I am and he is the sweetest kid ever. He loves to see people happy and we like to make him happy. Harold is also a result of an affair my mother had. Alex- Alex, again is a result of an affair and he is Harold's full brother. He is exactly nine months younger than Harold. I am engaged to an amazing man named Oliver. Oliver has been my best friend since we were eleven. He amazes me everyday with his huge heart and ability to love those who do not deserve to be loved. Oliver is the father of Riley, Lily, Ivy, Sirius, and Evanna. Charlie is my oldest baby, but sadly how he was concieved was not the happiest experience I had. Oliver however adopted him the day he was born, even before we were together. Oliver has a brother named James Clavin, who I see as my own brother. Jamie Cal is gay, so keep you opinions to yourself. He is dating his god father's second oldest son, which I do find a little odd, but hey, whatever floats your boat. My best friends are Tyler, Kyler, Nick, Slugs, Kisun, Mikey, Dakota (Halz's brother), Halz (Jamie Cal's boyfirend), and ToJo. They are the best and I love them to death. Especially Kyler, since in all sense and purposes he is my adopted brother, along with his 4 year old brother Niki. My favorite book series is Harry Potter so most of my work will be about that. I love music as well. My favorite bands are My Chemical Romance, HIM, Green Day, and Rise Against. I write all of my stories on paper before I put them online so it will take me a while but I like to make sure I am doing my best work, but with the school year starting again I will be able to post more frequently. I love my work and I really don't care about the negative comments people give me. If you don't like my work do not read it. End of disscusion. I love all the Harry Potter films, but I must say that, like most people, Deathly Hallows Part 2 was my favorite. I love all of the music and I love how close to the books they stayed. I love their sound track and personally Lily's Theme is just beautiful. |