Author has written 37 stories for StarTrek: Enterprise, Stargate: Atlantis, House, M.D., and 4400.
july 16th, 2006
Out of Africa is finished and up. When I was looking at categories, I was like, "This really isn't angst; more, passive-agressive avoidence. Or repress-and-deny." But there's no section for that, so it's drama. Also, it occurs to me that maybe I need a beta reader because I read over it and do I really type like that?
Out of Africa - ENT - July 16th
Felt As a Mistake in Translation - 4400 - June (22nd) 23rd
The Way We Were - Nine: The Ballad of Trip and Malcolm - ENT - June19th
The Way We Were - Eight: Like A Beating Heart - ENT - June 8th
coming soon
in the writing process
Give Me Back the Moon - ENT - "...and he was fearless
The Summer Creeping Over - 4400 - The summer of a boy.
(Tentative Title)A Scattering of Salts- 4400 - "What's happened is I just made my eight year old boss cry!"
The Art of the Bird Catcher -ENT Hoshi fic! (That's all I've got!)
who is this woman?
greatunironic (or G) is a currently college freshman at the University of Hartford. She's a political science major. She will also be doing some acting about Hartford too. She likes to write for all different places --at one time writing HP, but most of that isn't any good and she really isn't too keen on it anymore -- and, currently, her obsession is killing off Malcolm Reed because he's a freaking easy target. She has recently become sincerely fond of Ezra Standish and the actor who plays him. ("I like to think I can prove my points by making Anthony Starke wet and shirtless.") She also enjoys The 4400 and blames Jessy entirely for it.
as of september 2006
an answer to a query
Q: (Re. Malcolm and Trip) Why do you always let one of them die?
A: 'Cause I'm a sick, sick bastard. And I can.