Author has written 6 stories for Song of the Lioness.
Hi. I'm Dead Life, but you can call me Denise or Dene (den-ay). I live in South New Jersey in a really small town no one knows about... And when I say small, I mean SMALL. It's all farms and stuff, and everyone is related to everyone. I own 1 horse named Special Dreams. We saved him from the dog food company when our neighbor who races thuroughbreds(never could spell it) offered him to us so he wouldn't go to auction. You guessed- he's an ex-race horse that has a bad leg. He would have made lots of money if it weren't for that. ANYWAY I love Tamora Pierce's stuff, especially the Immortals Quartet. I haven't read PoTS because my mom was diagnosed with MS and now I can't go to Borders and I have a gift certificate there so I'm not allowed to order the books online.
Here's some extra stuff:
Pairings: Daine/Numair ALL THE WAY!!!!! It's mainly what I read and write about. So... MOVING ON!!! (I'm hyper today, can't ya tell?)
Foods: Anything high in sugar of fats a.k.a. sweets, chicken ala king in puff pastries or on waffles (I'd die for that stuff)
People: My best friends Jessica and Trisha... and my friends Brooke, Kimber, Suddaff(Is that how you spell it? @-@)and Nicole.
Website: The Dancing Dove!! You ALL must go and join!! http:///bthedancingdove
Pairings: Wow. Well, I pretty much like any pairing except Any TP character/OC.
Foods: Most vegetables(don't I eat right?), V8 (nastier the veggies), liver, and uh... I forget what else. But I know that there are more...
People: I will not say her name but let's just say it sounds some what like Tamora Pierce's. THE biggest *beep* in the world... I mean, who gives people notes telling them how much they hate them?
One Last Kiss: One-Shot; complete
Life is Such a Wonderful Thing: One-shot; complete
Star Bright: COMPLETED!!!
Don't Ask!: dead
Stuck in Tortall: dead
12.30.03: Guess what? I'm hooked on TP fics... so don't expect anything out of me. I MAYBE (HUGE maybe) will write an Immortals fic... er, someday. Also, I'm deleting my other fics. They sucked... I was a new writer. (actually, I have lots of stuff that I've written that I won't put up here...)
1.19.04: WOOHOO! My new, and first, Tortall fic IS UP!!! Let's all party! Now all I have to do is get my beta reader to actually read it ^-^;; Why did she have to pick TODAY to be busy? *grumbles*
2.13.04: YES!!! I finished my Daine/Numiar website!!! Go to: http:///dnsmain.asp !!!!!!!!!
2.24.04: Star Bright is not paused anymore, so we can ALL DO A HAPPY DANCE!!! LoL. Actually, I just removed 'Attack of the Shadowy Figure: Horror Story wWith a Bad Name'. So, now I have 4 stories, 2 of which are actually good.
2.29.04: OK, so Star Bright may not be updated until Monday. VERY busy weekend this week... I am going to put 'Don't Ask!' on 'dead' cuz I don't like it at all.