![]() Author has written 25 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Seraph of the End/終わりのセラフ, Batman, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Gravity Falls, and Naruto. Name: Hadican (Had-e-can) Age: Old enough to know better... One thing you should know about me, while I like to write, I'm amazingly lazy. I'm not a very eloquent writer, so if you're looking for that I'm not your human Possible Fandoms I'll be writing about: Pandora Hearts 07 Ghost Bleach Yu-Gi-Oh Pokemon TMNT Danny Phantom And a crap load of other stuff that I'm too lazy to mention. Those are some of the top ones... Completed Works: Incinerate: I feel kind of terrible that this was my first foray into the Fairy Tail fan fiction scene. I think I will leave it be for now. It was short, "sweet", and to the point. Fish Quest: Fish Quest is infinitely more silly than my first two Fairy Tail fan fictions, longer too. I found that bit of lightheartedness was needed and thus Fish Quest was born. A Price to Pay: This one was just a "what-if" scenario involving Zeref and Happy. Exploring the darker portions of Zeref's desires and to what extent he will go to obtain what what he wants.Also Happy was included because I have a soft spot for sidekick-esque characters. Will very likely get rewritten at some point in the future. This fic kind of bugs me in places...*grumbles.* Grapple: Finished recently with a follow-up chapter. I've actually been lurking in the Batman fandom for a while before I finally decided to do a fic for it. Grapple wasn't my first attempt. No. I thought it would be a "wonderful" idea to try a multi-chapter story. Now the poor thing collects dust. Regardless, Grapple was complete and then it suddenly became a two-shot. (After much debate) I'm not even sure what made me want to go ahead and add another chapter. This fic has the honor of frustrating me more than any other fan fiction. Those dang typos man, just when I thought I had them all taken care of another rears its ugly head. Just a Taste: 'Cause I noted a disturbing lack of Seraph of the End fan fiction. Though with the anime now gracing the internet the popularity has risen substantially. It was kind of interesting to see it grow from having a single fan fiction to now having hundreds. Anyway, this one shot was for two purposes: 1) to put more fan fictions in the Seraph of the End category. 2) to get used to writing Mika and Ferid. Mostly Ferid though. Taste: A follow up was needed I felt. Yeah, this fic...I'm not sure how I feel about it. I go from being okay with it, to wanting to rewrite the whole shebang. I think I'll leave it alone for now. This time the focus was on interactions between Yu and Mika. I wanted to keep them in character and not go so overboard with it. I did alright I think, but as stated previously this opinion is wishy washy with me. Field of Flowers: Another for the Seraph of the End category. This one is a sequel to Taste and as such references it. This one also served the purpose of working with character interactions between Mika and Yu. I know I did it previously in Taste, but as before I thought a follow up couldn't hurt. I also referenced Yu's comrades more in this. I plan to do more fics in the future that aren't all about Mika or Yu because I really like Yu's ragtag team/family. Silence is Deafening: My first fan fiction on here. I have no immediate plans to redo it as I am pretty satisfied with how it turned out and where it was left. While it would be nice to continue it/delve more into the situation I feel like that would quite possibly destroy the story. Quiet in the Library: A silly one shot involving Yuugi and his friends. No plans to redo it either. Midnight Musing: Despite the fact that it was filler I really dug the Orichalcos season, mostly. I decided to look into some possible trauma that Yuugi could have undergone after that whole ordeal. Though in the end Yami ended up being the one taken to therapy. Heh. |