Author has written 3 stories for My Little Pony. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is the first thing in a long time to inspire me to write fanfiction. And I wanted to share it! So I got this account (insert ranting about the awkward UI). My first fanfic, "Crying in a Bottle", has been fun to write, though I started getting slowed down slightly toward the end. I'm finding a handful of characters who want to come out and do things, though, so my next project is going to be another MLP:FiM fanfic, this time just using the setting of modern Equestria, and plenty of original characters. I hope it goes as well as the first one! And after all, as long as the writing is good, who says a story has to end? ;) Speaking of stories not ending, my second fanfic kind of spilled out while I was noodling around trying to get things moving on the next one. "Final Sunrise" has shades of meaning in it which still surprise me, and I wrote it. But now, on with the show! "The Devil is a Loser" is still growing and full of promise, and I intend for it to be epic and just a little bit over the top. I hope you find it just as satisfying to read as I do to write! |