HELLO!!!!!! *grins and waves* I'M BACK!!! Yes, Twisted Fate is up again and chapter twenty eight is posted. Thanks for hanging in there with me everyone through my crazy computer mess! I appreciate it. I hope you like the rest of the story. Emails got to be too much of a hassle, so I'm trusting . Review and let me know what you think. :o) Only thing that makes me sad though, is that when all my stories came down, I lost all of my reviews! *( All of them! Oh well... I know you all like it, my overflowing mailbox proved that and I love you all for it!! And lots of love and thanks to Farah! You've been there from the beginning, reviewing when no one else would and sticking with me when I didn't think anyone was interested. Love you lots!! YOU KNOW WHAT is on the way! Other stories will be up when I make the next chapters, so don't worry. Liv&Damien have not been forgotten, or Carrie&CJ! I'm getting there guys!! :o) |