![]() Author has written 13 stories for Fairy Tales, Phantom of the Opera, StarTrek: The Next Generation, and Spider-Man. Joined in 2002. Goodness, it's been a long time. And only NOW--may this come as a relief to some of you!--have I gotten around to updating my woefully wordy profile. 2002-2008, and I'm still around, to an extent. As you can see, I'm not doing a whole lot of writing these days. Or any writing at all, really...for which I apologize. The truth is...writing and updating my little baby fictions was EASY up until about...oh, a year or so before now. School wasn't that demanding, and I had a lot of time and inspiration on my hands. Then sophomore year of college hit. And "hit" is a word that here has the meaning of "collided with Kates like an 18-wheeler going at 90 miles-per-hour". Yes, you heard me right. I'm blaming it all on school. The GOOD thing that's come of my lack of writing is--I've made Dean's List a handful of times since transferring from the local community college to a state university, and have kept the grades going fairly well. Except for that one regrettable C- last spring semester...we're not talking about that though. Point is, school has eaten my life, and I have to spend what time I can focusing on school, and my writing has suffered. That is NOT to say, however, that I'm not planning on finishing any of the stories I have going here. I have...dark and sinister plans...for Le Fantome et la Belle, My Beauty, My Beast, and The Phantom's Labyrinth. (Not to worry; they're not going to go Poof! or anything. I'm just doing some rearranging and such.) They'll be finished...sometime. I don't know WHEN, but they WILL be finished. And perhaps one day I'll meet a publisher who won't require my arm, leg, soul, or firstborn child in order to have my bits of whimsy hit the marketplace...with any hope at all. Perhaps. Loooooong story short--once again, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write again, but I'm not entirely gone either. Just on a holiday of sorts. _~ Hugs to all, I remain yours, VERY sincerely, Kates |