Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter. Hey! It's me again. The homepage link goes to myspace Info About Me (Preppy in Pink) Age: 18 Favorite color: Pink (Like you couldn't have guessed that...) Favorite book: The Deep End of Fear by Elizabeth Chandler "You're only young once, but you can be immature forever!" Hi! I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for my random updating at best. I am a freshman in college, and believe it or not I have a social life. Dorm life is awesome! (Just thought I'd add that) So between classes, shopping with suitemates, hanging out with the guys across the hall and the girls next door, I rarely have time to sit and write. I will keep these stories going, I am determined to finish all of them, so please don't think I forgot them, I am just really busy. I still love writing, it's just now my writing time seems to be devoted to english papers not fanfiction (believe me, I so wish I could write fanfiction rather than an english paper) I will try to update as soon as possible, it's just I rarely get a long period of time to sit and write, which is really what I need, instead of just ten minutes here and there. Thanks for understanding. Once again, thanks for the wonderful reviews and the helpful criticism. Love ya! Preppy in Pink |