Author has written 5 stories for Twilight. I am a complete novice. I only started writing at the beginning of this year and had never written a word of fiction before this. I’ve been an avid reader for as long as I can remember - even sitting hunched on my windowsill after bed time, reading Enid Blyton by the light of the street lamp outside. (Far too long ago!) I escape into books, they are my release from the pressures of everyday life, but I've always wanted to know more. Then I discovered Fanfiction and an almost unlimited supply of stories to disappear into. I enjoy different points of view, back stories, new plots or futures, even AU, OOC, or just plain smut. I don’t enjoy characters being villanised, but that’s just me. I am not an author and I’m never likely to be, but I have discovered I enjoy writing. A lot! So, if you happen to enjoy my mental wanderings then GREAT! Review it and let me know. If you don’t, well hey, life would be boring if we were all the same – constructive criticism is welcomed, but don’t just flame me for it! Tweet! I'm on twitter now: @kkalmm It's all new, and I'm figuring it out as I go along. I’m currently working on: Silver and Gold: A post Breaking Dawn epic that causes all manner of chaos amongst vampires, werewolves and the Volturi. I've got a lovely new banner for Silver and Gold, all thanks to the amazing FrozenSoldier. Please check it out - she's an absolute master at work. Just after I first wrote Ch7, and introduced my nomad, I thought I'd search and see if I could find a picture of a male model with dark hair to fit the description. Google came up trumps. The first picture I saw, at the top of the first page I looked at, was this, and it matched rather well I thought: Top 50 Male Models of the World – Part 3 I’m currently writing around Ch27 and Esme wants to get a car – something powerful but not ostentatious. The problem is I don’t know anything about cars and haven’t a clue what to chose. If Esme were to ask Rosalie for advice, what would she say? Help! This story is being updated at the moment. It's been picked up by the wonderful people at Project team Beta, who are mopping up the last (hopefully) of my errors so that it can be validated nice and quickly at Twilighted. http:/// A particularly vivid dream: A_Particularly_Vivid_Dream.jpg This amazing banner was done for me by the truly awesome FrozenSoldier. An AU/AH/OOC with Jasper and Esme. Odd combination I know, but that’s just what it seemed to need to be. An overworked mum, a film star, an embarrassing Skype conversation overheard, an overnight flight home... Well, it's not a one-shot any more, as 20K words was just too much for one chapter. The big question is, should I continue? Several Quickies: I discovered a whole load of wonderful little stories all for a Quickie Contest and decided to have a go myself. It's worth having a look at the entries as there are some fantastic little gems! I've put my entries up here now, as I really enjoyed writing them: Firelight: Jasper, a guitar, soft music by the light of a campfire. What's his favourite tune? Firelight.jpg Banner by the truly awesome FrozenSoldier. Foiled again: Jasper and Alice. It was a choice I faced every time I watched her. Leave or pounce? Inspired by this wonderful little crack-fic I found called ‘The Hunt’ by SassenachWench I also wrote Game On, but as it’s an excerpt from Silver and Gold - Ch14, I decided not to publish it here separately. Thank you K :o) |