Author has written 6 stories for Twilight.
This is the contest page for any contests hosted by Twilight Fic Zone team TwiLucy_UK, SweetLovinCullen and TwiFicGirl
What's Love to You Contest
We've picked 50 pictures based on love for you to pick (up to 3 can be used for each entry) from and write an O/S based on/around that picture.
This is an anonymous contest
All entries will be posted to the TwilightFicZone contest page. The page can be found here.
Word Count: 3,000-10,000 words (not including the A/N)
All entries must be beta’ed.
No rape, incest or bestiality.
Lemons are welcome as is slash.
If your entry includes a lemon you must be aged 18+
Any pairings welcomeEntrants must also fill in the contest form here
Up to two entries allowedCollabs welcome
You can use up to 3 pictures per entry
You are able to say you entered the contest but you are not permitted to say which entry is yours.
Failure to comply with these rules will lead to refusal/disqualification of your entry
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to email us.
All entries must be headed with the following and emailed to twilightficzonecontest@ in a Word or Open Office document:
PenName: (this will be removed when we post the entry)
Rating & Any Warning Needed:
# of Picture Chosen:
Word Count:
Contest opens: 1st January 2012
Contest closes: 5th February 2012 at 4PM GMT
Voting Opens: 6th February 2012 at 4PM GMT
Voting Closes: 13th February 2012 at 4PM GMT
Winners Announced: 14th February at 4PM GMT
Judge’s Pick
1st Place in the Public Vote
2nd Place in the Public Vote
3rd Place in the Public Vote
The public vote will take place on this contest page.
Each winner will be awarded a customised banner made by SweetLovinCullen and their entry will be permanently featured on the website.