Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings. Hmm, a bio? Well, there really isn't much to say about me :) I'm a student of British Literature, Spanish and Intercultural Business Communications. Sounding interesting, well, not really *lol* IBC is quite nice; British Literature, well I'm so much in love with the UK I just had to study this; Spanish ... I needed a third subject *lol* and I couldn't do French as I didn't know any French before I started studying :(Now, what got me started with writing? Let me think, I first started with my HP story and that because I simply refused to believe that Severus and Sirius could loathe each other just because they were in different houses, etc. Needed a better reason *grin* With my two LotR stories things were a bit different. I always longed for Aragorn and Éowyn together ... since I first read the book. But I didn't really dare to touch it. LotR is like the Bible for Fantasy writers after all. But eventually, after watching TTT, I started writing *grin* And now I can't stop *sigh* My homepage is semi-alive again - at http:///eowyn/ ... please also check out my forum at http:// :) Oh, and I also have a LJ as of the end of June. Check it out here: http:///users/eowyns_musings/ |