![]() Author has written 11 stories for Detective Conan/Case Closed, Magic Kaito/まじっく快斗, Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, and Danny Phantom. I HAVE OFFICIALLY MIGRATED TO ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN UNDER THE SAME USERNAME AS OF SEPTEMBER 2018. As I complete fics, the plan is to upload the rest of these over there over time. MARIE'S FANFIC GUIDELINES: 1. No citrus. Fluffy romantic stuff can be cute when well-written enough, though, and some will probably sneak in. I tend more towards action/adventure and mystery, with some comedy baked in to leaven the mood (and sometimes comedy on its own.) 2. Readers and reviews are awesome! Also feel free to contact me via PM or Email if you'd like. 3. Fics will not be updated in a regular rotation (see below for why, thanks plotbunnies =_=) 4. My plunnies like to compete with each other, and sometimes this winds up in a giant wreck of bunnies, monocles, top hats, stun gun wristwatches, carrots and wrestling. When this happens, my updates may take a while while I make all the plot bunnies play nicely again. I apologize for this, and thank the readers and reviewers that stick with me very profusely. Some plunnies will also randomly decide to cut in line. My logical left brain has threatened to walk out on me after reading some of my story ideas, but my creative right brain is very nice and supportive of me and my efforts. (Since I'm a lefty, everything is more controlled by my brain's right hemisphere anyway. Geh, enough of medical rambling.) MY UNIVERSES: Jikkendaiverse: The core and establishment of any stories in this 'verse is my story Jikkendai. Fun with triplets and brothers both of blood and circumstance. Expect a more serious leaning in this world and tendency towards a darker tone (mostly thanks to ingrained paranoia after what certain people have been through,) though Kaito still won't be able to resist his pranks and well, I like silliness in general. ;) Muzaiverse: Muzai kicked this world off. Stories after Kaito and Shinichi first become somewhat reluctant acquaintances, then good friends and finally allies and best friends, branching off from the events of Muzai. These will tend to be lighter and more comedic, buuuuuut it's still Detective Conan, so there will still be blood and murder and general havoc. Hayatoverse: The timeline in which Takagi Wataru 'died' in the line of duty thanks to the Black Organization during some undercover work and became the teenager Takenaka Hayato after surviving the apotoxin, the shrunken keiji attending Ekoda High School in the bizarre 2-B class. Shouhen is the establishing story for this 'verse. Gyakuunverse: Kicking off in my AU, Gyakuun, these stories all center around and take place in the AU I'm building there. These stories very likely won't make sense without reading it, because, well, AU. MARIE'S SHOUT-OUT TO REVIEWERS: -I'd like to thank every single person who's ever left me a review from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot more than non-authors/authoresses would think when someone takes the time after reading a story to leave a review. It's not only an ego boost, it's a thrill and gives us encouragement. You never know, your kind words (or constructive criticism) may save a 'fic from being yanked down, or even give the author/authoress a much-needed boost at the end of a rotten day when the words just don't seem to come out right and the dreaded Writer's Block seems to have descended heavily upon thier shoulders. And for you fellow authors/authoresses who've left them for me, well, you guys know how reviews can make one feel. Thanks a ton for taking the time to review and critique my work from the writer's perspective. Remember, leaving a review might seem like a silly thing, but it takes only a few minutes, at the most, and it means everything in the world to the recipient of that review. -Second, I'll thank any and everyone who has a story of mine on thier favorites list, alert list or myself in their author faves/alerts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving an authoress a reason to write. The thrill of seeing a story of mine on someone's favorites list never lessens, and I especially thank those who take the time to review every chapter. It's very nice to hear critique from someone who's been following the story since its beginning.