Silver Dragon
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Joined 11-24-00, id: 26849
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.
My name is Silver, I'm over twelve, under eighteen, and will keep you guessing how old I am. I love to write, koala bears, and like to think I can draw. ^_^;;; I hate cliches, I like humor despite that. As of late, I haven't written much, but oh well. My writing type is usually drama, and I love the Malfoys. I think unusual pairings are fun, like D/H. I hate the flute, was forced to play it, and now I can't be a flag girl. I'd much rather be a cheerleader, anyway. I like portraying Lucius as a real person... unlike this evil villian thing most people have going on. I love Draco. His insults are very witty, even though people say he's stupid. Oh, yes, and I can't tolerate the 99.9 % of the Harry Potter peeps who hate villians. Villians rock, and that's that.
Constellations reviews
In the setting of the night Draco was born, a young Lucius Malfoy contemplates himself, and how the stars are a big part of him. Songfic to 'Arms Wide Open' by Creed.
Harry Potter - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,359 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/24/2000