![]() Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Lord of the Rings, Shaman King, and Transformers/Beast Wars. 0 0 0 My Big List of Partially Plausible Crossovers: (Written because I was bored) '.hack//Sign' & 'Digimon' 'Rurouni Kenshin' & 'InuYasha' 'Star Trek' & 'Star Wars' 'Death Note' & 'Shaman King' 'Legend of Zelda' & 'Lord of the Rings' 'Death Note' & 'Yu Yu Hakusho' 'Yu-Gi-Oh' & 'Shaman King' 'Legend of Zelda' & 'Shaman King' 'Legend of Zelda' & 'Naruto' 'Transformers' & 'Codename: Kids Next Door' 'Pokemon' & 'Sonic the Hedgehog' 'Pokemon' & 'Star Wars' (The list will be updated whenever I think of something. Disclaimer: Authoress is not resposible for the quality of any fanfiction inspired by this list. Ask me about plotbunny adoptions!) About time I updated this damn thing... Hi, my name is Chaos Chao (hmm, it SAYS that right over THERE...coughobviouscough) As you might imagine from reading some of my fics, I tend to write dark stuff, with occasional bursts of hysterical crap. Yes, there, I said it.You go read fics now. ...Oh yeah, am co-owner of a...mostly brain-dead web site. Yugioh pics, mostly. Some of which aren't there because the memory they were saved on was written over by other pics. I assume the site is still there...haven't checked in months... http:///" target="new" http:///" http:/// Check it out...I mean, if you really WANT to...I think it's probably still there... What I've been doing lately: This and that. I'm thinking of branching out into .hack...I do seem to be making a boatload of characters I could be using more productively... FIC INFO: Hope is an Empty Eggshell - Completed. Angst Yugioh with some yaoi. Basic Rules of Magic - Why did I even post this? Oh right, I remember - I was probably clinically insane at the time. Yami no DiGiOh - Crossover Yugioh/Digimon. ...Soooo, anybody want to take this one over for me? There and Back and There Again - LOTR fic. Bilbo-centric. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli all have cameos (aka the selling point) and there's something original of mine A Little, A Little, A Trifle - Now a collection of one shots for Yugioh. We have something from both the anime and manga...and as the fic says, my writing skills actually improve with each installment. Blood Only Glows in the Dark - Completed. Dark/supernatural Yugioh shounen-ai. There's some fluff in there too. 3rd Degree Burning - Shaman King, Yoh and Hao-centric. I watched the anime from beginning to end (in Japanese) and this was what cropped up. I might make this a multichapter, if I get the inclination... I have a small forum now. Here's the link, in case anyone wants to take a look at it. http://www.fanfiction.ws/f/267971/ I call it 'Character Cache', where anyone can post any of their OCs up for people to admire. At least, that's what I hope will end up happening... |