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![]() Author has written 3 stories for Generator Rex. Hello, welcome to channel Niobe. If you don't like Niobe then I have no idea why you're here listening to her ramble about herself and you should probably GTFO Niobe's page. If not, you'll just have to listen to her talk about herself in the third person. And believe Niobe, she likes to talk about herself. Ow. My poor head. Talking about myself in third person is hard. LUCKY FOR YOU PEOPLE, TALKING ABOUT MYSELF ISN'T! My name's Niobe (not really, but let's pretend it is) and I love to write. I'm going to be a novelist when I grow up, whether I'm any good or not, goshdamnit! I also read a lot and play volleyball a lot and do my homework a lot and pick my nose sometimes. So I'm pretty busy with reading and volleyballing and homeworking and... yeah, that other thing. I don't write nearly as much as an aspiring novelist should. When I do, I focus on horror and suspense. I can do parodies too, but... they have a tendency to spiral out of my control. *nervous laughter* PM if you wanna talk! Also: I am now co-writing with a friend. Our account is Team Cafin8ed. Come see! Dec 21: Well I'm a n00b here, so I don't have any stories up. Not allowed to have any stories up yet, teehee. Actually, I'm not even allowed to put that wicked awesome graphic I pirated from somewhere up yet. (shh...) But I will soon. BEWARE. THE ERA OF NIOBE IS COMING. STOCK UP ON CANNED GOODS. (1min later): I JUST LEARNED HOW TO MAKE PAGE BREAKS! YAY! Dec 22: In case anybody hasn't noticed, I added an avatar! (different then the one I intended, but I think it's better) On a more important note, I am working on a story. It is a Generator Rex fic called A Knife-Thin Line. It deals with some pretty heavy topics: death, insanity, the difference between good vs. evil, etc. But it'll still be rated T (Probably? Unless all that Stephen King I've been reading sinks in). And I'm not sure yet if there'll be a happy ending... hmm. I've already started writing the first chapter, but I'm only 500 words in and I want at least a thousand more. AT LEAST. My gosh, writing after a long break is like starting a car after it's been doused in water and left in a walk-in freezer. holds hair dryer to stiffened writing machinery* C'mon... get a move-on. PM if you wanna talk! AND MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE EVE! Dec 23: Well, that went faster than expected... So I've published chapter one. It's short. Shorter than intended, but I need some time to turn the plot over. I'm pretty excited because it's my first fic. Hopefully I'll get some reviews, I'm aiming for at least two, more would be fabulous, but I'm not going to hold people at gunpoint for reviews. There is a such thing as too far. Look out everybody. Somone dies in the next chapter *evil grin* and it's not the evo they're fighting... PM if any questions! --Niobe Jan 19: I am working on prewriting for chapter three... and it's gonna be epic. I was worried at first about how the story didn't have much plot (except for Six dying...) but NOW I SEE THE LIGHT! Mwahaha! Yeah. Well, just wanted to let you guys know, I'll have it updated in a week. Two at the most. No more than two. Also: MY BIRTHDAY'S ON FRIDAY! WEEE! --Niobe Jan 29: So I have survived my birthday, dress rehearsals, and the writing contest I just returned from. (SECOND PLACE! SQUUE!) But I still have the play next week, so dress rehearsal every day. Now that I've gotten that big contest out of the way (and the big trophy, mwahaha) I can focus more on the next chapter (Wednesday, maybe?). It won't be quite EPIC, now that'll be next chapter. :'( Sorry. But I do have some twists coming up... actually, I have one little twist already written... sorry, it isn't good news. Now I need to stare at my trophy and gloat. --Niobe Jan 30: Almost done. It's gonna be a little different than I thought. I didn't expect it to be so DARK. I realized that a couple things would happen as a result of Six's death and I'm adding another little twist I wasn't planning. Well, two, since... never mind. Just warning people. This chapter isn't going to be a filler like I'd thought. I'll have it up by... Tuesday, but probably Monday. --Niobe EDIT: Or, y'know, today works too. Jan 31: I'm gonna write a one-shot! I don't know what it's gonna be about, but I'm gonna write a one-shot, damnit! I decided that I was gonna write every single day, and I just published my chapter and it just doesn't feel right to write the next chapter before I get feedback, so... Imma write a oneshot! (I think that was already established, but oh well) ...uh, just thought you guys might wanna know... --Niobe Feb 6: Hey guys! Just letting you know, we had our last show yesterday and now I'll have a LOT more time without rehearsals every day for three hours. I have started Ch. 4, but I'm only 500 in and I think I might have to scrap it and start over. Tone is all wrong. My goal was to have it up by today, but with the SB party and VB practice that's not gonna happen. (I think... but I've been way rong before. Thank you so much for your reviews to Small, Shiny Wrapper! My goal was ten, but, y'know, I guess seventeen'll do just fine ;). Steelers FTW! (but I like the packers too, my Dad lives in Wisconsin. Darn good cheese. A little torn) Chapter WILL BE up by Friday. Probably Wednesday, but Fri is the deadline (technically it's Sunday coz that'll be the two week mark, but yeah) --Niobe Feb 13: Now's about the time I need to start writing chapter 5, but I'm having some issues with writer's block. And, I'm reviewing a bunch of people, and I tend to write really long reviews... Keep watch for next chapter. I have no idea what's gonna happen, but... we will see! Do not worry if I don't update for a while. The situation is under control. --Niobe March 1: Well, let's just call the writer's block dead and buried. I am in the process (not yet, but will be) of typing up chapter 6. It is actually already done, it just isn't typed. And it kinda sucks in its current state. If I get time around that, I'll write that oneshot. You guys realize it's Justin Bieber's birthday? Some chicks decided to DECORATE MY SCHOOL IN CELEBRATION. I don't really like his music, I just think it's really cool that he got where he is via the internet, so I don't hate. But seriously, people? We don't decorate the school for the principal's birthday, or Leonardo Dicaprio's, or even Eminem's, and way more people like him than JB. But then all the banners would have to say "Happy Fucking Birthday", to be legit, and people would whine, so maybe not Eminem. Yeah, he's inspiring and all, but my eardrums have almost exploded waaaaaay too many times today. And his haircut actually looks good, but it'll be exactly the same in a month or so, so everybody needs to chillax (in my personal opinion). --Niobe March 14: Chapter 6 is up. Enjoy. Need little break from story, but can't think of GenRex oneshot. You might see me debut a Ben 10 oneshot instead. It could be scary. Haven't the faintest idea what to write for Ch7! I killed my outline. By not writing it. OOOOOOPS. Now's about the time where I try to think of what to write AFTER (yes, I said it) I finish Knife-thin Line. You peeps got any ideas, PM me immediatly. I don't bite. Online, anyway. --Niobe PS: the last page break never shows up. It really pisses me off, but it isn't a typo. [edit: April 5: Nevermind! Fixed!) April 5: YES IT'S COMING. I'm having issues, so it may be a while. Think I'll write a oneshot in the meantime. Anyway, my friend and I now have an account for cowriting some stuff, check it out: Team Cafin8ed. --Niobe April 25: Chapter 8 is being prewritten, for once I have a general idea of where it's going, so the plot may be less random. Or more, who knows. I am also writing a Ben 10 oneshot that I can't seem to finish, and I'm rather torn between which to finish first. Hell, probably the oneshot. I have a couple ideas of what to do after K-TL, or rather, way too many. Maybe I'll put up a poll eventually. Or, y'know, decide myself. Just wanted to give a status update. Still not dead. And I heard the lot of you who groaned in disappointment ;) JK. --Niobe May 30: I'm writing a oneshot. Another one, never did finish the other. I have half of the next chapter of A Knife-Thin Line written. It's gonna be really long, I don't wanna cut short this time. Also, I made it into the final round in the writing contest I did a few days ago, which means I'm in the upper .8% of the people that entered. Congrats to me. If you haven't reviewed my latest chapter, I'm still waiting. --Niobe |